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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm always in awe of all the beauty in the world. Beautiful music, beautiful places, beautiful sunsets, beautiful people... I can carry on forever. This pretty much sums up a large portion of my personality as you will shortly see...
As you may have noticed, I have included plenty of hyperlinks. Where possible (mainly in the case of musical artists), I have included a link to the artist's MySpace profile page. Please let me know if you found them useful, or whether they disrupt the flow and impact on readability. Thanks in advance.
Secondly (seeing as this is becoming something of a trend)...
My MySpace layout was pimped / edited / prettied up / enhanced / supercalifragilisticexpialidociousified by... erm... me actually, using HTML , CSS , SoftBusters MorphBuster and Adobe Photoshop CS2. Oh, a note to all Photoshop lovers: Photoshop CS3 is now available for preorder.
Anyway... About me then...
I have a passion for music and music production. Actually, that's an understatement. Music is my life, my sustenance, my life energy, my escape and my drug. The harmonic reverberations and subtle details in music take my mind on journeys unequaled by anything else I have ever experienced. Dr. Albert Hoffman is probably turning in his grave. As I previously stated, I (attempt to) produce my own music, and all my music is available for download in mp3 format from my artist page at Alternatively, you can visit my profile by clicking here.
The reason that I have chosen to give all my music away for free is because I want to share it with anyone that is willing to listen, and hopefully touch listeners that way music has touched me. I don't produce for money, I do it because I love it and it is the only way that I can accurately express my deepest emotions. And if just one person appreciates what I have composed, then I feel as if my task is fulfilled.
On that note, I have started a psytrance side-project, called Project.BE. The pic below is of preliminary artwork (Photoshop CS2 again).
I also love films, and really would love to break into the world of film making, ultimately as a cinematographer and director. In my opinion, film making that is driven by love and passion is an art form that, I believe, is right up there alongside the fine arts. If you think this is an exaggeration or the rant of a lunatic (he he), it is interesting to note that the artist Salvador Dali gained major recognition in the surrealist movement of the time after co-producing the movie Un Chien Andalou with his then friend, Luis Buñuel. And if one needs any more convincing, you only have to look at films such as Sam Mendes' 'American Beauty' , Darren Aronofsky's 'Requiem for a Dream' , Gary Ross' 'Pleasantville' , and Paul Thomas Anderson's sadly underrated Punch-Drunk Love , among many others. Punch-Drunk Love in particular made such brilliant use of colour, colour contrasts, depth of field, silhouetting, tracking shots, and of course, the expert utilisation of sound, that watching it is like witnessing a painting in motion.
On that note, I am currently writing 2 screenplays:
The first is for a short, music driven, dialogue-less exposé of social misconceptions, and the harm caused by the spread of misinformation and society's flawed perceptions.
The second is intended to be a feature length modern tragic love story, in a similar vein to Romeo and Juliet. However, although this may sound like a clichéd genre, the love story subplot eventually takes a backseat, and instead, helps to perpetuate the main theme of the story and eventually serves to portray the magnitude of loss suffered by the protagonists.
Alrighty then...
I also love digital photography and have uploaded some pics here.
Okay, finally, I'm not a spokesperson for any of the companies, or for any of the products that I have linked to. I just have used their products in the past and have loved them. :) And I realise I've provided more information about pretty much everything, apart from myself. So if you'd like to know anything, please ask.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Simon Posford (Musical genius, he of such awe inspiring bands such as Shpongle, Younger Brother and Hallucinogen), Trent Reznor (Consistently brilliant musician, and one of my greatest inspirations), Dr. Albert Hoffman (if he were alive today), Salvador Dali (if he were alive too), Natalie Portman (Incredibly talented, intelligent and unbelievably beautiful, but what makes her even more special is her sincere desire and dedication to helping others), Nelson Mandela , every talented musician that has ever inspired me (wayyyyy too long to list), anyone interesting, everyone.

My Blog

I never thought it would happen again, but I have fallen deeply in love.

And the object of my affection? Yes, it may sound sad, but I have officially fallen in love with Native Instruments' FM8. It's stealing hours (meant for sleep) away from me, but I don't care. Thi...
Posted by on Wed, 30 May 2007 19:21:00 GMT


I thought I'd post some poems that I have written over the years. They span the last 10 years of my life and are posted in chronological order (yes, I know, only 4 poems in 10 years) I just want to st...
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:15:00 GMT