arm candy,fun,music of the universe,color,color,color...blk and wht is cool too. checking out the clientele and listening to there stories and theorys on life
JACK NICHOLSON,WHO ELSE? next would have to be new customers and naturally the loyal people who returned many times,and helped pay the rent!. Horiyoshi tattooing heres the coolest..
jack,anything jack,lola is his jersey tomato
what's a television? were artists man,we have no time for crap. fuck television........THINK OF YOUR LIFE AS A MOVIE. now, when you think of it, do you like this movie? if not change it.its all within your power.
enlightment, or the one will all have in us.
Deano,Lola's "hot & flying" tattoo manager,phenomenal human being,and wise man of the ages. ALL THE GUYS WHO WORK AT LOLA'S,their the greatest .......