Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) profile picture

Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren)

I am here for Friends

About Me

About Me
My name is LAUREN
I work for the devils of Australian telecommunications... Telstra. But they pay me sweet bonuses so I don't care.
I Love my friends
I love my boyfriend Ben. I live with him and his family on the Gold Coast! We have two kittens, one named Indiana and the other Madison.
On June 30th to July 26th, Ben and I are off to America. We are hitting Vegas, Mexico, Los Angeles, Atlantic City and New York. We are going to hit all the theme parks and shop left right and centre. We also have so far got tickets to see Ricky Gervais at the Kodak Theatre, Mae/Plain White T's in Atlantic City, an 'adult' theme Cirque Du Soliel in Vegas, Young Frankenstein on Broadway (Karen from Will and Grace is acting in it) and also tickets to LA Dodgers VS Florida Marlins.
I wish that Harry Potter was real and that I went to Hogwarts. I would also have a pet owl and be in Ravenclaw house(the name is sweet).
My family, and most of my friends live on the Sunshine Coast.
I was born in Sydney and lived there until I was 13. I support NSW in Origin.
I have a degree in Environmental Science
I am pretty into these guys:
Myself and Ben are aiming to produce the most impressive dvd collection ever. So far we are well on our way.

My Interests

Weekend Footy.



The big screen tv Ben and I brought, and playing with our kittens.

Kisses from Ben.

Nintendo Wii.

Harry Potter.


Relaxing at the beach.


Being in love

I'd like to meet:

Daniel Radcliffe (harry potter)


top fave bands at the moment

The Early November

Alkaline Trio

American Football

Amy Millan

Anything involving Anthony Green

Anything involving Robert Nanna

Belle and Sebastian


Brand New

Bright Eyes

Built to Spill

Circle Takes the Square



Death Cab For Cutie





Frou Frou


Hey Mercedes

HORSE the band

Jets to Brazil

Joan of Arc







Motion City Soundtrack



Portugal. the man

Saves the day

Sense Field


Sunny Day Real Estate

Texas is the reason

The Appleseed cast

The Arcade Fire

The City on Film

The Fray

The Format

The Postal Service

The Promise Ring



I'd rather pay $7 to see a movie at Nerang Cinemas or Southbank, than pay $13 at Birch.


I am all about Law and Order: SVU boxsets. Arrested Development. Simpsons. Family Guy. Scrubs. Prison Break. Extras. The Office. American Dad. My Dawsons Creek entire box set (34 sweet discs).


Books are knowledge


Anyone who has overcome hardship of any sort.

Harry Potter

My Blog

bored. not much to report. but i'm bloggin anyway

I'ma justa bloggin.hahaSo I don't know why I am bothering to type this crap. Amanda is sitting on ym bed watching Heroes. But I am not, as I am like ten or twelve episodes ahead of her already. Cos I ...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:03:00 PST

"caught in the symmetry of your mind"

It's been over a month now since I started the new job. I initially liked it, then I hated it, now I like it again. I think its because I am finally remembering things and doing pretty well. My boss i...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 02:13:00 PST

no photos. no drunken stories. just things going on. things on my mind.

soI am finally going to write something that isnt an account of a drunken evening out...heregoesThe past two months have been pretty full on, to say the least. There have been major occurances, minor ...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:04:00 PST

If only I had locked my bedroom door...

Last night I passed out form being too drunk. My friends decided to take advantage of my lack of consciousness... this is what they did...           THE END  ...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Mon, 01 May 2006 01:08:00 PST

All I am is a piece of wood, cut from something living...

Ok well I want to start out by saying that I have the most amazing friends anyone could ever want. Every one of them is so amazing and special. Every time I hang out with them I appreciate them more a...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:16:00 PST

team playerzzzzzzz *LOLZ* *ROFL* *OMFG*

Ok well.... I shall start at the begining. On the 19th of March I flew down to sydney to being my adventure visiting relatives and seeing Coheed. I arrived at my grandparents house around lunch and ha...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 01:42:00 PST

aint nothing but a gold digger

well I just had a pretty insane weekend. I worked all day friday at both jobs, then all day saturday at coles. They let me go home half an hour early which was sweet. Ryan, Ebony, Mel and myself went...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 05:50:00 PST

it's been a long time...

Its been a long time since i've posted a blog. And with events in the past few weeks i thought a blog was called for. I will begin with Mel's bogan party on the 16th of December. It was a totaly shamb...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:41:00 PST

some will seek forgivness, others escape - love yas all

well... where to start right now i am a mess i am paying for a 7 day drinking binge i would outline what i have consumed whilst on this binge. but i dont want to make u all grossed out.   ummm ok...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 03:24:00 PST

Will I wake to find you waiting by my side???

Well this weekend has been rather eventfull and draining. Friday night we had a party at my house. it was gangster theme. some people took that as 'homie gangster' or like 'flapper kinda gangster' or ...
Posted by Santa Maria ♥ (Lauren) on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 04:39:00 PST