jowell profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

im a student... uhmmm what elsa can i say??!!! i love reading books speacially books that are written by my favre authors ( daniel steel, nicholas sparks, J.K rowling & sidney shieldon)... i love watching love stories, horror, fiction, comedy, anything that is featuring my fav. stars like Brad pitt, Lindsay Lohan, Cameron Diaz and a lot more.... my friends say that im fun to be with.,i love nightouts with my gang (laf til we drop) uhmm nu pa ba?! MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

i have interest in reading anything that's infront of meh... haha

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet some pretty ladies and cool new friends.... hekhekas long as your cute!...leave me your number!!


acoustic, rock, hiohop, rap, r&b, and melodies.... it actually depends upon my mood.... harhar


Troy!!! harry potter 1-3, LOTR 1-2, The Sweetest Thing, Serendipity, Run away Bride, Cayote Ugly, anything that is entertaining.... ..


Studio 23, MTV, Myx, anythyng that can entertain a couch potato like meh...


Harry Potter books, esp. The Goblet of Fire, LOTR & anything that is written by my fave. authors, YUH know!!!!


Achilles, Harry, Superman Spiderman any of them....