I'm a photography student. I'm currently studying for a BA (Hons) Photography degree at Cleveland College of Art and Design. Photos excite me. Addicted to Polaroids. Obsessed by Numbers. Inspired by Words.
I love him more than I can say. He's genuinely amazing. I love our adventures far and wide, sometimes random but that makes them even better. "We are adventuring, we are adventurers."
he is the best cat in the world. Named after Dallas Green .
♥Local Rockabilly Punks. I take photos of them. They let me tag along to some far away gigs.
♥Greg - Bass/Upright Bass
Master of the Tea Towel, we have much to learn from this one. Looks like Wolverine, hugs like a bear. He rocks the upright bass, looks sweet as when he stands on it.
♥Mike - Drums
Pulls funny faces whilst drumming that make me smile. I wore his jacket once, I then found myself wanting to steal it. He hit me with a skateboard, I later stood on his foot.
♥Rich - Vocals and Guitar
"My name is Rich, I drink rum." He has the best pair of black T.U.K creepers. They look like little monsters. He can run up Greg's bass like a cat shimmying up a tree. The hair is awesome, best when it's white blond though.
♥the Rape Wagon (R.I.P.)
The best only way to travel. I love it a bit too much. I've been far away in it. It sleeps right nice too, four on the bunk bed at TMF festival - good times.
♥colourful Minidiscs in all the pretty colours
♥THE beautiful car
♥my friends
I don't have (or need) many, but the ones I do have are better than you. I miss some of them.
♥my badge collection
It stands at about 500 by now. I have them from all over. Some I made myself. My Roland Rat one is by far the best.
♥my Green Conservation Blue Peter badge
People don't believe that it's a real Blue Peter badge, but I know the truth.
♥my shoes that are falling apart but I refuse to throw them away
♥gigs gigs and more gigs
♥pointless/random car journeys
They are the best when you just cruise around listening to some good tunes and ending up wherever.
♥ learning being able to drive
I ♥ my little yellow car
♥old fashioned letters and parcels
Everyone should send more letters, it's becoming a forgotten art.
♥my bed with my duvet
♥What If I Do? by the Foo Fighters
♥City and Colour. Dallas Green's side project. Acoustic. Fantastic. "Your words are like knives, they peel my skin and pierce my soul".
♥changing from third to fourth gear
♥my room
♥the colour orange
♥my phone
It's still not as good as yours, but I like it.
♥the smell of bananas and strawberries
♥shire horses...the big gypsy style ones
♥ the little things
Like little surprises that make you smile, and thoughtful things that come from the heart
♥ the beautiful things
Similar to the little things, and handmade things, I like album cases/artwork to be beautiful it makes it so much better
♥teenage mutant hero turtles
♥cassette tapes
they have become forgotten, I love all my tapes especially the coloured ones
♥little rockstars R.I.P
♥John made me a banner
♥ feel free to repost this for me if you wish