Greetings and felicitations, children of technology...
First of all, I hate Myspace and it is a poorly written website. However, if you are a musician, you must have a Myspace page, and so you are here reading this...
I am a 39 year old musician in South Central Pennsylvania. My musical interests vary these days, but mostly revolve around Black Metal, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and many facets in between. My roots stretch to classical music (Bach, Mozart, Tchiaikovsky) and to classic rock (Uriah Heep, Kansas, BOC).
My main project is Tragika right now. It is an orchestral metal band with heavy influence from european bands like Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Within Temptation, etc. We are looking for a female saprano vocalist, so drop me a line if you are interested.
I am also working on my second disk, A Winter's Symphony. I planned to be much farther along by now, but many things have pushed it's completion date back. Writing is about 90% complete and I began recording, but again, I needed to put it on hold for various reasons.
I've posted a few songs here that I wrote a few years back that are mainly rock influenced. Once I complete A Winter's Symphony, I will upload a few tracks for you to hear. Lemme know what you think.
Stay forever heavy!