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I am here for Friends

About Me

....I am a dad and it makes me very happy. We do a lot of laughing together and its fun to do that :). My only concern really is that I do right for her, I hope to be a good source of information and hope to be as helpful as possible in her development in life and be able to provide every opportunity for her to grow and learn about life and find contentment with life. I am a science/space geek but not a fantasy science/space geek-I enjoy the study not the image-haha or maybe I like the image and not the study-whatever-I'm a parent so it doesn't matter I will always be a geek-haha. And I will always love my girl- its a very good thing being a parent. But I am just a human like you-well mostly-haha-trying to make my dreams a reality.I am also weird, I sing to my cats sometimes(usually classical music in cat language), I think life would be funnier as a musical.Small things done out of kindness and thoughtfulness impress me-its the little things that show how big a heart can be. Disrespectful behavior (except from Danny) just isn't very becoming. So be nice to people in traffic, allow room to pass, yes let people in front of you if they use their blinker and want over. Vehicles are heavy pieces of metal and moving parts-they can easily kill a human, and especially a child. No one has anything important enough to do to kill someone in an "aacident" because you believe everyone else driving is an idiot and gives you the right to be a little more reckless or you have to be somewhere right now. But people are selfish and egotistical-and me too so "Move bitch...get out da way!!!"-hahaha. Most of all-lets all not be too serious-come on now, better to laugh than hate :). In a thousand years we will be in space singing classical music to cats-HECK YES. YAY DisneylandGO HB CHARGERS JR MIDGET GOLD!!!!! I'm awesome I'm hot I'm Shane You're notGO CHEER!!!!
Beans new git

Takamine G=Series electric/aucostic

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anna Nicole Smith-now isnt this sad-ok Lisa Nowak and Tonya Harding still love you guys, Beavis, Jamie Lee Curtis and bunny rabbits that can talk and squirrels with ADD. There are more cheer photo montages at for 2008 Green Midget ChargersBorat Season 1 SoundboardWhich TV Mom Are You? My Result: June Cleaver You are June Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver. You might not wear pearls while you do your housework, but you probably like the idea of being a traditional type of mom who bakes special treats for your kids when they come home from school and who sits down to dinner with them at night. You think of thoughtful ways to show your kids you care — like making elaborate Halloween costumes or whipping up chicken noodle soup for sore throats — and you work hard to stay involved in their lives.

Of course, you teach your children right from wrong and always hold them to strict standards, though you may prefer that someone else in the household do the actual disciplining. That's just because you are so devoted to your little ones, you can't stand the thought of missing out on any time with them behind angry doors or pouting faces. What are you?

My Blog

HB Green Midget Charger Cheer

There are more cheer photo montages at
Posted by on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 03:29:00 GMT

Am I insane

Yes...yes I am. I used to work in a mental hospital and caught an airborne viral strain of psychosis. Then I had a cat scan to reveal that infact I did have cats. They sing in the halls of the mountai...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 17:00:00 GMT

My girl

She makes me very happy and proud. My life improves with everyday she is in it and enjoy every moment with her-well unless she's mad at me-hahaha. I can definitely say the best times of my life have b...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:34:00 GMT

Check out this video: danny doesnt get 2 dollars

Check out this video: danny doesnt get 2 dollars ..Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:29:00 GMT

What do we know

I am always amazed at how much debate and is given to so many things and generate so much and really what do we know. We assume so much-things we know. Is the earth getting warmer-well if science says...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:01:00 GMT

My girl

I love my girl very much. She makes me proud everyday-well sometimes she runs into trouble but she is figuring it all out. Her progression with the guitar is incredible. She can pick up classical song...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:26:00 GMT

the weekend

NAMM show parties were great. Did not have my girl at night but did hace cheer practice on Sat morning then a hair party and competition at the LB Pyramid. Anyways started with the Hilton on Fri night...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 22:12:00 GMT


1+1=2 this speaks truth the to me. To contemplate this further would be an absurdity. It is what it is and cannot be disputed unless you throw the element of overthought and humanity. Lets keep it sim...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:13:00 GMT