Ten gatunek muzyki jest trudny do okreslenia. My nazywamy to „ironic pop musik†+ wszystkie inne gatunki muzyki.
O tym ze the slub to nie przelewki, niech swiadczy fakt ze pierwsza nasza plyta zostala nagrana na koncercie. Nie traktujemy naszej muzyki jako sposobu na leczenie swoich frustracji, nie szukamy drugiego dna - bo go nie ma. Nie walczymy o tzw. sztuke wysoka (jak np. kol. Penderecki), ani o te nizsza.
O nic nie walczymy bo my pacyfisci.
Nie bierzcie nas za artystów bo ktos moze sie obrazic (np. ja - w. wegrzyn).
Muzyka the Slub to zadne poslannictwo. Latwizna - bo proste jest piekne, (nie prostackie).
Bawi nas to co robimy a mam nadzieje i chyba nawet wiare w to, ze to ubawi tez ciebie - drogi Polaku. Nic na sile. Nie przekazujemy niczego poprzez nasze piosenki, poza prawda o nas samych.
Majac na wzgledzie jakosc i wage produktu muzycznego the slub, to jestesmy najtansi na ziemi...
This sort of music is hard to define. We called it „ironic pop music" (mixed with all other sorts of music;)
We recorded our first LP during our concert and let it be the best proof that The $lub is no joke! We don't treat our music as a way of dealing with our frustrations, and we're not looking for something hidden somewhere deeper in it cause maybe there's no such thing? We're not fighting for something what is called „ambitious work of art." (as e.g. mr penderecki is doing) or even for this less ambitous art... We aren't fighting for anything because we're pacifists:)
Please, do not take us for artists because somebody may feel offended (for example: me – W.W.)
We don't create our music to 'enlighten people', to express some 'significant massege', or „the truth" – no.
Just simplicity – because what is simple is beautiful (not common or coarse!)
We have a hell of fun of doing what we're doing and I hope (and maybe I even believe!) that You will also have fun – my dear Pole!
But feel free;) We don't try to express anything particular in our songs except the truth about ourselves ;) Considering the quality and the importance of the product (music) we – as The $lub- are the cheapest on the Earth...