Name: Joanne
D.O.B: 29th June 1988
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Birthplace: Essex
Current Location: Hatfield
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: I don't have one
Your Car: Vauxhall Astra
*. . 69 Random Questions . .*
Q1) Do you snore? No
Q2) Are you a lover or a fighter? Lover
Q3) What's your worst fear? Spiders, Wasps, creepy crawlies...
Q4) As a kid, were you a Lego Maniac? Yes!who wasn't?!
Q5) What do you think of "REALITY" TV? I can think of better things to watch
Q6) Do you chew your straws? No
Q7) Were you a cute baby? Yes, no, maybe i can't remember
Q8) Is the single life for you? No...
Q9) What color is your keyboard? Black
Q10) Do you sing in the shower? No
Q11) Have you ever bungee jumped? No and would never!
Q12) Any secret talents? None dat i know of
Q13) What's your ideal vacation spot? Somewhere hot and sunny but calm and relaxing
Q14) Is Jay Leno funny? maybe i wud say yes if i knew who he was
Q15) Can you swim? Yes
Q16) Have you seen the movie "Donnie Darko"? No
Q17) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? I don't care
Q18) Can you sing the alphabet backwards? trying...No
Q19) Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes
Q20) Are you an only child? No
Q21) Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpener? Who cares... although electric ones are quite fun
Q22) Do you give a damn about the Ozone? Yes
Q23) What's your stand on hunting? Never really thought about it
Q24) Is marriage in your future? hopefully but who knows
Q25) Do you like your handwriting? Not at all
Q26) What are you allergic to? Cleaning Fluids
Q27) Is Elvis still alive? No
Q28) Do you cry at weddings? No
Q29) How do you like your eggs? I don't like eggs
Q30) Are blondes dumb? No just ditzy lol
Q31) Where does the other sock end up? On the other foot
Q32) What time is it? 12:01pm
Q33) Do you have a nickname? Jo, Mooey, Roo, Joei
Q34) Is Mcdonalds disgusting? No but yes sometimes
Q35) When was the last time you were in a car? At the weekend
Q36) Do you prefer baths or showers? Baths but depends
Q37) Is Santa Claus real? er yes ofcourse!
Q38) Do you like to have your neck kissed? Yea
Q39) Are you afraid of the dark? No
Q40) What are you addicted to? Five alive!!! (tropical lol)
Q41) Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Creamy
Q42) Can you crack your neck? ewww No n wudnt wana
Q43) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes
Q44) How many times have you brushed your teeth today? Twice
Q45) Is drug free the way to be? Yes
Q46) Are you a heavy sleeper? No, not really
Q47) What color are your eyes? Blue
Q48) Do you like your life? Yea I guess
Q49) Who's better? Me!
Q50) Are you Pyschic? Me and my sister are lol
Q51) Have you read "Catcher in the Rye"? No
Q52) Do you play any instruments? No
Q53) Have you ever stolen money? Yes, ashamed! :(
Q54) Can you snowboard? Noway!
Q55) Do you like camping? Yes
Q56) Do you snort when you laugh? Sometimes ha ha
Q57) Do you believe in magic? sometimes i guess
Q58) Are dogs a man's best friend? Yeah I guess
Q59) You believe in divorce? Depends on the situation
Q60) Can you do the moonwalk? No but my cousin can do it really well
Q61) Do you make alot of mistakes? Yes all the time
Q62) Is it cold outside today? Yes
Q63) What was the last thing you ate? Toasted cheese and ham sandwich - burnt to a crisp
Q64) Do you wear nail polish? Not all the time
Q65) Have you ever been kissed? Yes
Q66) Whats the most annoying tv commercial? Frosties, that kid is sooo annoying!
Q67) Do you shop at american eagle? No
Q68) Favorite song at the moment? Lonestar - Amazed always has been!
Q69) Who was the last person you talked to? Kirsty, Alison & Sham
*. .69 more cos I'm Bored. .*
Q1) smoked a cigarette? No n wudnt wana!
Q2) smoked a cigar? No never!
Q3) crashed a friends car? Not yet!
Q4) stolen a car? No
Q5) been in love? Yes n still am
Q6) been dumped? Not yet but now iv jinxd it! lol
Q7) would you date an Ex gf/bf again (round 2)? No probably not but who nos mayb
Q8) been fired? No lol
Q9) took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? No
Q10) snuck out of your house? Yes lol
Q11) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? No
Q12) been arrested? No
Q13) met someone famous? Yes
Q14) gone on a blind date? Yes lol good times!
Q15) lied to a friend? Yes :( it was for their own good!
Q16) had a crush on a teacher? No ha ha not with the teachers i had!
Q17) skipped school? Yes
Q18) seen someone die? no not yet. br
Q19) Given or gotten road head? No
Q20) thrown up in a bar? No!
Q21) done hard drugs? No
Q22) miss someone right now? Yes! lots!
Q23) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yes many times!
Q24) made a snow angel? Yes ya get very wet!
Q25) told someone you loved them when you didn't? Yes :(
Q26) spent more than one night in a hospital? Yes
Q27) been lonely? Yes
Q28) fallen asleep at work/school? Yes opps!
Q29) who do you have a crush on? My Boyfriend does that count?
Q30) felt an earthquake? No
Q31) touched a snake? eww .. Yes
Q32) ran a red light? Not yet!
Q33) have a crush on anyone you work with? No
Q34) been in a car accident? Yes not serious though
Q35) hated the way you look? Yes all my life!
Q36) witnessed a crime? No
Q37) been lost? Yes all the time!
Q38) been to the opposite side of the country? No
Q39) felt like dying? Yes
Q40) cried yourself to sleep? Yes
Q41) last movie you saw? Music n Lyrics! wit my sis!
Q42) What is something you believe in? Everything happens for a reason!
Q43) done something you told yourself you wouldnt? Yes
Q44) laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes ha ha
Q45) caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Q46) kissed in the rain? Yes
Q47) what is the worst physical pain you have ever experienced? Stitches in my mouth
Q48) made love in a park? No
Q49) had a dream that you married someone? No
Q50) glued your hand to something? To the other hand
Q51) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No
Q52) worn the opposite sexs clothes? Yes, lol my mum didnt believe in throwin away clothes lol
Q53) best time to catch you in a good mood? when i am with my friends or watching lee evans
Q54) sat on a roof top? Yes
Q55) talked on the phone all night? nearly but not all nite
Q56) ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Depends what movie..
Q57) played chicken fight? No
Q58) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
Q59) broken a bone? No
Q60) had a 3 some? No
Q61) laugh so hard you cry? Yes
Q62) mooned/flashed someone? No
Q63) cheated on a test? Probably
Q64) forgotten someones name? Yes all the time
Q65) been kicked out of your house? No
Q66) blacked out from drinking? No
Q67) played a prank on someone? No
Q68) played in public with your significant other? absolutly not!! i wudnt dream of it! lol
Q69) had sex in public? No
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