Our children and family
We have so many memories of good times that we've had growing up. Even though you are not with us physically but you will always remain in our hearts forever. We will always cherish all memories that you have left with us.... the good times, so much of how we live our life and who we are today is a result of your teaching. And for this reason we are so grateful that we have wonderful parents like you. So even though we may not spend quality time with you physically as we once did I want you to know one very important thing.... that you're always with us right here in our hearts where you belong. Mom we love you & miss you
God has blessed my parents with five children my four brothers and my self. We all mean allot to one another, and are very grateful that we were thought no matter what obstacles we face in life we should always be there for one another, because family is forever.
Our heroes is God and our parents. God for giving each of us strength and the opportunity to have wonderful family that we have and our parents for teaching us the value and moral of life.