the hurt inside your head profile picture

the hurt inside your head

*whips herself as deserved punishment in result of one silent judgement*

About Me

im a lonley fallen angel lost in human's the realms of nothingness....watching thru the times and space..i see no one stands besides my the times of end of ends...fighting with the thought ive got...i know im damned to a big fall

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My Interests

KORN death blood philosphy secret knowlege vampires witches demons angels magic magicans pain evil books music rpg night murks storms deads undeads mental illnesses powers of human mind lonlieness tears empty space thinking imagination fantasy fear abandoned places horrors that r really sick and make me scared as fuck...did i mention KoRn? well KoRn KoRn KoRn of course!!

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KORN, NIN, APC, disturbed, rob zombie, evanescence, tool, dredg, trivium, mastodon, mnemic, deadsy, videodrone, lordi, chimaira, dark tranquillity, SOAD, adema, smashing pumpkins, beasty boys, american head charge, lacuna coil, depeche mode, mudvayne, ice cube, Norah Jones, Loreene McKennitt, bjork,DCD, MOZART, lots of soundtracks...


Amadeus, Constantine, Joanne D'Arc, Interview with the vampire, LOTR, QOTD, Ring, Exorcist, Saw, SawII, Saw III, It, Dracula, Underworld, Stigmata, Hide and Seek, Star Wars, Dune, Neverending Story, Chronicles of Narnia, Amityville, Hostel, Salems Lot, Sleepy Hollow, Shinning, Dogma, Omen, Texas Chainsaw Masacre..yep sick horrors or fantasy..


none indeed...i prefer
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The Name of the Rose, Baudolino, Foukaut's Pendulum, Vampire Saga, The Picture of Dorian Grey, LOTR, WOT and other fantasy series, Little Prince, Stories by E.A. Poe, Kings horrors, books about philosophy, theology religion and sects, psyhology,Charles Manson biography, Dark Tower, Dengerous Relationships.. and many others...documents about vampires demons and witches


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new 3D IM

Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 06:32:00 PST


everything changes...and im not sure if i like it or not..from one side changes r good, something new at least...but from the other one..sometimes its hard to go outside of the safe place you've creat...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:31:00 PST

new years

new years eve is what i hate...its just a custom holiday we have to celeberate or rather i should say we're forced to really pissed off with it and never celebrate it as much as i shoul...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:53:00 PST

new poem

laugh diesno way 4me 2live no way 4me 2hide no way 4me 2run away from whats hidding inside no way 4me 2stay no way 4me 2be no way 4me 2cry over my wasted life lifes just a fuckin piece of shit we have...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 01:00:00 PST

new poem

let it flowi need to hurt myselfi need to fell this paini need to feel it reali want to watch me bleedi want to watch me cryi want to hear me prayand lose in hopless gamei wanna flow i wanna fly awayi...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 02:49:00 PST


parasiteim hidding behind myselfim hidding behind my dreamsi still try and want to believein something that died long agomy own indulges stay uncoverdmy own wounds stay unpluggdblood pouring down with...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 02:04:00 PST


im goin to meet with my friend from romania anca!! we're goin 4the gig in slovakia and gonna spend there anbout 3days!! yay im sooo happy finally!! we were dreaming about it since we've meet last year...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 04:19:00 PST

ode to death

ode to  death come to meembrance metake me out of therebring me with yourselfi dont need a wordjust reach your handsreach your hands to meand i will follow youim not gonna resisti dont need this ...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:06:00 PST

4my friend

4deadsnight has comealong with sleepetaernal andwithout dreamscold bloodin cold bodyclosed eyescant seedark emptycold realityof eternitypain has gonealong with lifefragile andhaving its endcold bloodi...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 04:13:00 PST

:((( sleep in peace my friend

ive just got to know that my friend hung up himself....he had his service in an army and there was a guy (chief) who bashed and abused him a lot and he shot him (not deadly) during their practice with...
Posted by dA sU(c)Ka gIa on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 03:51:00 PST