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KORN, NIN, APC, disturbed, rob zombie, evanescence, tool, dredg, trivium, mastodon, mnemic, deadsy, videodrone, lordi, chimaira, dark tranquillity, SOAD, adema, smashing pumpkins, beasty boys, american head charge, lacuna coil, depeche mode, mudvayne, ice cube, Norah Jones, Loreene McKennitt, bjork,DCD, MOZART, lots of soundtracks...
Amadeus, Constantine, Joanne D'Arc, Interview with the vampire, LOTR, QOTD, Ring, Exorcist, Saw, SawII, Saw III, It, Dracula, Underworld, Stigmata, Hide and Seek, Star Wars, Dune, Neverending Story, Chronicles of Narnia, Amityville, Hostel, Salems Lot, Sleepy Hollow, Shinning, Dogma, Omen, Texas Chainsaw Masacre..yep sick horrors or fantasy..
none indeed...i prefer internet...lol...
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The Name of the Rose, Baudolino, Foukaut's Pendulum, Vampire Saga, The Picture of Dorian Grey, LOTR, WOT and other fantasy series, Little Prince, Stories by E.A. Poe, Kings horrors, books about philosophy, theology religion and sects, psyhology,Charles Manson biography, Dark Tower, Dengerous Relationships.. and many others...documents about vampires demons and witches
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