I miss Sydney & all my friends.
I miss where ever I go I know people.
Walking into a gig hall and know everyone.
I miss when being bored just going to see Manduh
Chaz or Donna, annoying Cortney, tickling Stephen.
I miss my Mummy and Daddy, getting introuble for dumb stuff.
Going to Hurzy with big scene hair & fake lashing and everyone staring.
But most of all I miss my own little world in Sydney so much, why?
Because I'm happy there.
Jessseeka Glamour™
This is my only myspace
Smoke ; Winfield Gold / Mayfair
Swear ; Alot
Drink ; Pulse, Passion Pop & Extra Dry
Fuck ; Both Genders
Best friends ; Bronwyn & Christian
Sister ; Cortney
Boyfriend ; Stephen ♥
Ink x3
Piercing x11
Big Scene Hair
False Eye Lashes
I like to be the center
of attention
Smiles alot
Laughs at things
that happened weeks
ago with people that
were not even there
I don't own photoshop
or know how to use it,
So there for none of my
pics are photoshopped.
Moved to England on
October 28th
From Australia
Take each day as it comes
and appreciate the small things
AFL girl
Spice Girls still rock my socks baby!
I have friends then I have “friendsâ€
I know who the real ones are
And their the ones I care about.
I believe a true friend is someone
you will go out of your for, so you
or anyone else don't hurt them
I've made mistakes,
but I'm fucking proud of who I am!
Wanna chat?
Jessseeka Glamour Live on Sickam ; Click Here
[email protected]