Heath profile picture


...from the avenues

About Me

Things liked by me:my mates, thinking of something funny and laughing out loud on public transport, pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, chicos, onomatopoeia, going solo to the movies, Lizzie, eating ice cream straight out of the tub, hummus, smells that remind me of childhood moments, people watching, haircuts, Brownes Coffee Chills, watching the planes at the airport, that sore feeling the day after a hardcore workout, opera, fresh sheets, old photos, reading in the sun, wearing thongs (flip flops) with jeans, lava lamps, beanies and scarves, feeling warm when its so cold I can see my breath, jelly beans from the chemist, open fireplaces, drizzle, Australia Day, red red wine, sitting in cafes, not shaving, semi colons, green things, snorkelling, bbqs, real letters, et cetera.

My Interests

I have many exciting general interests. Alas, laziness prevents me from writing even a brief list of said interests.

I'd like to meet:

Cool cats... like minded people and the like.


My music tastes are ecclectic and often embarrassing and I am completely unashamed of them.


There are too many films to mention. As a general rule, if I see it at the movies, I will love it. Example: Congo - a bad bad movie - I saw this at the movies and really enjoyed it.


This is the part where I admit all of the hideously embarassing TV shows that I love and rent on DVD and watch all in one sitting while eating icecream from the bucket with a long spoon... HEROES! Smallville, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Family Guy and the list goes on and on and on...


I was given a box set of the Harry Potter books for my 21st birthday - best present ever! I love HP. I'm reading 'In Cold Blood' at the moment, which is really good. I thoroughly enjoyed the Lord of the Rings (the book, as is so often the case, is a million times better than the movies), there are lots of books that I like... I've been reading Les Miserables for the better part of a decade - it's great, just a tough slog and the print is way small so I have to strain to read it and often I'm reading in bed so I fall asleep before I get anywhere.


Peter Petrelli all the way man. If I can't be him, can I at least do him?? Anyone... anyone...

My Blog

Real estate agent's big hands - the sequel

I had spent much of the day with an old friend from uni..eating, laughing and staging spontaneous photos; we pulled up in front of my flats and sat chatting in the car. After a period of idle banter, ...
Posted by Heath on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 05:13:00 PST

Real estate agents big hands

I've always been curious about the townhouses across the road from me. It's not been one of those 'plaguing my every waking moment' curiosities, but is more of the 'I wonder what they're like inside' ...
Posted by Heath on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 06:54:00 PST