I have many exciting general interests. Alas, laziness prevents me from writing even a brief list of said interests.
Cool cats... like minded people and the like.
My music tastes are ecclectic and often embarrassing and I am completely unashamed of them.
There are too many films to mention. As a general rule, if I see it at the movies, I will love it. Example: Congo - a bad bad movie - I saw this at the movies and really enjoyed it.
This is the part where I admit all of the hideously embarassing TV shows that I love and rent on DVD and watch all in one sitting while eating icecream from the bucket with a long spoon... HEROES! Smallville, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Family Guy and the list goes on and on and on...
I was given a box set of the Harry Potter books for my 21st birthday - best present ever! I love HP. I'm reading 'In Cold Blood' at the moment, which is really good. I thoroughly enjoyed the Lord of the Rings (the book, as is so often the case, is a million times better than the movies), there are lots of books that I like... I've been reading Les Miserables for the better part of a decade - it's great, just a tough slog and the print is way small so I have to strain to read it and often I'm reading in bed so I fall asleep before I get anywhere.
Peter Petrelli all the way man. If I can't be him, can I at least do him?? Anyone... anyone...