In Loving Memory...
RIP Kevin M. Tran
01.27.1982 - 10.04.2006
You always knew how to make me smile when I was having a bad day.
You always gave me the best advice to strengthen my weaknesses.
You always listened to me no matter what time of day it was.
You will always be my bestiest. I love you always.
Another Year
Another year has come,
And you, so far away from me now;
But in my heart still.
Forever, I will hold you close.
Each smile, laugh and tear I’ve cried
A testament to your presence.
I will always love you,
No matter what happens.
I’m right here, loving you as always.
My heart is true and strong.
I will never forget your spirit.
I am no longer afraid.
To live or die is the same for me.
You are with me on this journey.
I raise your light to the heavens, and smile.