This is My Cat Every Morning:
Asha Kitty
Sometimes I eat like it's my first and last meal all at the same time.I believe artists today are too busy trying to be other things and forget about aesthetics. I'm very much interested in the 1980's. I believe it has something to do with nostalgia. Neil says this is never a good thing for art. I think he's wrong.
I am more awesome than you. I don't wear, nor need, contacts. Have been informed that I am cynically permiscuous AND a witty conversationalist (though I'm not sure what that first one even means). I love Jesus.
You look for me for years, but forget me soon after I'm found; one day someone will remember.
Pet Peeves, Grievances, and Annoyances:
People who do not proof-read. People who are continuously and unapologetically late.
Lauren --
Visually addictive
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'
If only you knew me, then you'd know love...
AND....... I have to say that I will more than likely deny your add request if you do not message me first.