HI. i'm amy_ 23 years old & LOVING life. i live w/ my boyfriend& bestfriend joey in our wonderful house.
king's college grad_ ba in communications* ;) i work @ ABF_ w/ the BEST friends a girl could have*i have an awesome family & i love BESTFRiENDs* i obsess over my nieces_ *THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHICA'S IN THE WORLD* ...isabella, addisonJane, & adisonLynn. finally a boy_ baby samuel is already superduper handsome.
i LOVE my sister/bestie dooders. we play the coolest instruments_ & we'll kick names @ wii. *K, loveya BYE. i'm honeymooning july28 - aug1 w/ the newlyweds: dooders & blob, & i'm friggen PUMPED* ;)_God Bless You John Decker. I can't wait until Tomara comes home. L