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♥ natalie

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My Interests

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i like hanging out with my friends, going to the beach, tanning, shopping, camping, clubin' with the girls, and being with keagan.

I'd like to meet:

more people from school...



i listen to a lot of hip~hop and poppy music, maybe a little rock. i really like BEPs, panic at the disco, three days grace, fergi, Pussycat Dolls, paramore, deftones...and i could name off a million more...i pretty much like anything that's on...


i like the chick flicks like the hot chick, white chicks, and john tucker must die, rush hour two, wicker park, how to lose a guy in 10 days, raising helen, catch and release, all the pirates movies...and there are many more...


MTV, thats pretty much the only channel that i watch. my favorite shows are laguna beach (only the old ones, the new ones kinda suck) and gray's anatomy! that show is so addicting! i like america's next top model and...oh, i like to watch What Not to Wear on TLC.


anything by anna quindlen, but who has time to read...


♥keagan, for being so strong and so happy ♥ all my beautiful friends that have stuck by my side through everything. ♥ and shane, for being the best daddy in the world for our little son
a b o u t y o u - g i r l s.
Name:: natalie hansen
Age:: 19
Birthdate:: may 20th, 1988
Birthplace:: gerber memorial hospital in fremont
Location:: fremont

Hair Color:: blonde
Eye Color:: depends on what i'm wearing...most of the time it's brown
Weight:: 102
Height:: 5'3
Braces?: nope
Glasses/contacts?: nope, and i hope i wont ever need them...
Freckles?: um, kinda...there is one that is larger then the rest, lol
Scars?: um...there's one on my back from chickenpox
Style:: i dunno...depends on the day
Food:: the quasadillas from trini's and chicken fettucine alfredo
Drink:: dr. pepper (any kind)
Store(s):: hollister and wet seal
Color(s):: blue and green
Shoe Brand:: does flip flops count?
Clothing Brand(s):: um...hollister?
Purse Brand(s):: i don't own any cool purses...yeah, i'm so uncool
Coke/Pepsi:: coke...can we make it cherry?
Bikini/One Peice:: most def. a bikini
Love/Money:: love
Resturant/Fast Food:: depends on the day...it's more romantic going to a resturant, but fast food is good too
Boy/Girl:: girl?
Pop/Water:: i wish i could say water...but, pop tastes better
Dogs/Cats:: cats (i love you freckles!)
Abercrombie/Walmart:: abercrombie
Night/Day:: both
Sun/Rain:: def. the sun
Have You Ever
Cried in school:: yes
Laughed so hard you peed:: um...haha, i dunno, i think so
Seen your best friend naked:: yeah...not intentionally
Taken a shower with someone:: yeah
Been drunk:: nope
Smoked:: yeah...i tried it once (not pot though)
Cried on someones shoulder:: yeah, like all the time
Let someone cry on your shoulder:: yeah
Slept in bed with same sex:: yep
Used the bathroom in front of a friend:: yeah
Do You
Smoke: nope
Do Drugs: nope
Drink: notta
Cry often: sometimes...
Change in front of your friends: yes
Talk about private things with friends: all the time
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color:: doesn't matter, they just have to be pretty
Favorite hair color:: same, just has to be pretty on them!
height:: taller than me!
weight:: bigger than me
drink/smoke:: i don't want them to...
drugs:: hell no
tatoos:: yeah, sometimes it's hott
peircings:: most def.
style:: doesn't matter, it just has to look good on them!
The last.
person you hugged:: shane
person you kissed:: shane and keagan
person you talked to:: ...shane
time you cried:: yesterday
time you laughed:: today
thing you bought:: i have no idea, it was probably diapers or something
person you yelled at:: probably my mom or sister
person you said i love you to:: shane and keagan
person you told you they loved you:: my mom
person you hit:: probably my brother
thing you drank:: a shake
thing you ate:: french vanilla yogert
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Curtis Look-alike Meter

Posted by ♥ natalie on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 03:17:00 PST

so yeah...

i got my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday...what the hell is up with everyone saying that they hurt so bad...??? i feel fine...and i haven't even taken any pills yet... on another note, i'm doing...
Posted by ♥ natalie on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:45:00 PST

i love you...

i miss you i need you... you never know what you have until it's gone ...
Posted by ♥ natalie on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:18:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by ♥ natalie on Sat, 26 May 2007 10:00:00 PST