Lisa-Marie™ profile picture


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About Me

I've got HUGE sunglasses, overly shiny lipgloss, high heel'd flip-flops. destroyed A&F jeans, dolled up make-up, sucker for sweet talkers, smiling is what i do best, being happy is my anti-drug, my beautiful best friend is my hero, being photogenic just isn't in my genes, sarcasm is what i do best, chaos is my middle name, Fashion keeps me entertained, jealousy bites me in the ass, bordem drives me insane, i tend to not care what others think of me, i care the world about my friends, i wont hold back, i'll tell people what i really think, i'm not afarid, i'll hurt your feelings, im strong enough, matching is where i don't go wrong, sweetie black && brown DON'T match, singing loud in the car makes me smile, i'll drop anything && everything to help you, i adore kissses, hugs && cuddling, getting easily distracted is something that happnes often, i tend to fall for boys - f a s t, forgiving, quick, and easily is something i do, a big purse at my side is how i roll, i'm addicted to lipgloss, i come off to people as a biiitttch...but im not !!! vitamin water=love the world was blessed with me on march 12th 1989, im looking for a bf and accepting applications for the job!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MY PEACHES! ive never met anyone like you, your such a carefree person who doesnt care what others think and i admire you so much for that! i dont open up so quickly to ppl but for some reason i did to you...ive told you things i would never dream of telling other ppl..when im around you i can finally be myself no matter how many flaws i have, i can say whatever i feel without being judged. you dont judge ppl, you give everyone a chance no matter what they look like you like them for them. you have been through alot in your life so much more that i could possibly imagine yet you still love with all your heart. your beautiful peach inside and out, you have an amazing soul that not many ppl will ever get the chance to have changed me so much this summer and for the better, i can take a step back now and look and myself in the mirror and i can truly say i like the person looking back. you taught me to just get loose and have fun not to plan things and just let tomarrow happen.. everything happens for a reason and i believe that you came into my life to show me what life really means...your the bestfriend i have ever have you understand me in ways that no one will, im really gonna miss all our late night talks and our crazy inside jokes! just always remember that if ne thing ever happens to you, you can call me and ill drive 7 hours to get you and you can come live with me for however long as you like! i love you and im really gonna miss you... take care of yourself kid!





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My Blog

and she thinks she can talk shit!

well well well here we r fighting the same fight we faught b4 when r u gonna learn to stop talking shit? you sit there and tell ppl o dont be like lisa friend shes a slut well you have another t...
Posted by Lisa-Marie ™ on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:21:00 PST