I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
My name is
I'm 18, and I've been singing since I was a little girl.
I'm in chorus, and I'm an alto/ second soprano.
I'm in theatre, oh and I dance too, ballroom dance.
♥ Taken by the neat little man named Brien.♥
I think:*That people should hold things back, theres things that need to be said
*Life is a wonderful gift. Like an animal. But sometime it freaking shits on you.
*People that are different, like people with mental illnesses, deserve the same kind of compassion other people are shown.
*Too many people take advantage of their advantages.
*The best family is the one thats made up of your loving friends.
*Hard work doesn't pay off. Smart working does.
*Love is stronger than anything ((call me a hopeless romantic. go ahead))
If these songs could be the soundtrack to your life...
1. Opening Credits: 5 Years Time- Noah and the Whale
2. Waking Up Scene: Buenos Aires- Giulia y Los Tellarini
3. Car Driving Scene: Keystar- Munchausen by Proxy
4. High School Flashback Scene: Overboard- Ingrid Michaelson
5. Nostalgic Scene: Bus Stop Boxer- Eels
6. Bitter, Angry Scene: Sticks and Stones- The Pierces
7. Break-up Scene: Somebody Loves You- Eels
8. Regret Scene: Be Okay- Ingrid Michaelson
9. Nightclub/Bar Scene: A Crush In The Getto- Jolie Holland
10. Fight/Action Scene: Uh-huh- Munchausen by Proxy
11. Lawn Mowing Scene: What I'm Looking For- Brandon Benson
12. Sad, breakdown scene: Lonelily- Damien Rice
13. Death Scene: Across the Universe- John Lennon (solo version)
14. Funeral Scene: For Good- Kristen Chenoweth
15. Mellow/Pot-smoking Scene: Fuck Me Pumps- Amy Winehouse
16. Dreaming About Someone Scene: Granada- Emilio de Benito
17. Sex Scene: Secret- The Pierces
18. Contemplation Scene: La La La La Lemon- Barenaked Ladies
19. Chase Scene: Alfie- Lilly Allen
20. Happy Love Scene: Anyone Else but You- The Moldy Peaches
21. Happy Friend Scene: Its A New World- Judy Garland
22. Closing Credits: Mariella- Kate Nash ..
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