I maintiain that I barely EVER update my MySpace profile.
Oh, well. I'm not that concerned over it.
I've recently decided to simplify my life a little (in order to make it more complicated in the future, I'm sure)
I'm usually very busy doing anything and nothing. I'd decided to leave the band I was in and let Paintball fall by the wayside in order to more focus on Martial Arts.
I feel most comfortable doing it and being around other martial artists (as long as they're not uptight ego maniacs)
I'm very happily married to witch of a woman.
She's a witch. She even has a broom and all that. Along with that, she's very intelligent and understanding. I have a relatively "normal" teenage son (remember, normal is relative!) ;) and have thus inherited a wonderful daughter. The son has inherited my lack of fashion sense and the daughter seems to share my disdain of popular culture.
I aim to lead a quiet and humble life if possible. I've been battling with Hodgkin's disease off and on for the better part of 10 years (although I wouldn't necessarily dub them the better years) and seem to have a hard time sticking to the realization that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff.
Here's some links to my buds in my old band, the Paintball Team and the Karate Org I belong to:
Okinawa Kenpo see: www.IKKF.org
The Penndragons