Football,rugby,rowing,computer games and hanging out with mates.
I'd like to meet james bond and learn his technique to pulling girls, hes a pro. Phil collins cause he is just a leg-end at everything he does and what a band genesis are. Peter Kay just because hes a really funni guy and he would be able to tell me all his material and illbe the funniest guy around.
As mentioned earlier i like almost every type of music but especially rock and roll as well as indie. also cant beat a bit of r+b
My favourite film of all time has to be either Hitch or Troy just because the are both really gopod films that are easy to get into
The simpsons has to be the best tv program ever and is just comedy genious gfair play to matt greoning.
Dont like reading books
Will smith because he is the pinacle of coolness and being a general allround great guy. Also Morten Gamst Pederson who plays for blackburn cause he is just an immense, epic wizard on the pitch.