Hello. My name is Cameron. I'am a virgo. I like two wheels and fast things. No i do not
have any STDs. I served my education mostly in the 'burbs of san jose. I went
to OG which is why i know so many people per my friends count. i currently reside
in the fog eternity of the world: Aptos. Most people i know have no idea
where aptos is. that's normal i didn't know for the longest time either.
apparently this place called aptos is located between watsonville and sc.
watsonville is my equivalent of the eastside back home. very comforting,
surprisingly. i live here with my wonderous gf. Her name is Tanya. most of the
tanya's i knew were fat chicks. and admittedly, i'm a fatchick-opposer. luckily
rules are meant to be broken. been here a year, seperated from all i know in san
jose. it's pretty coo here. people are alot different. it's more relaxed. even mexicans can coexist here almost seamlessly. and if they can do it. i think i can too.
besides having a gf to amuse me, there are also 2 cats. one does it's own
thing and the other one is a kitten. needless to say i've become more acustomed
to animals. especially cats. freakishly especially. but that's ok. it add's more
'character' to my repetoire. trust me. it does. later on in the future i can not only
say "i'm a ladies man" but i can also say "i'm a cat guy". the appeal goes far and
beyond previous standards. all this and i haven't mentioned motorcycles? once?
still reading this? amazing. i ride a yamaha r6. 2004. plenty of miles logged on
that thing. +40k. did my first trackday this year. had a blast. blabalblabalbalbala
i'am a post whore. via