Reading & writing science fiction stories.
I also enjoy music, dancing, and making new friends. From time to time, I even enjoy instant messaging here online. I use Yahoo, IMVU, and once in awhile AOL.
Who would you be at the Renaissance Faire?
You'd be the... WENCH
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What Renaissance Performer are you?
You are a Wench! Life has blessed you with ample talents and the comfort to flaunt them! True, some women may find your demeanor insulting, but who cares when the men pay so much attention to your Natural Endowment of the Arts? Your problem is less getting men to pay attention to you and more getting rid of those you don't want!
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Since I'm really into renaissance & medieval faires, I always like to talk with others interested in those. I'm not currently looking for a relationship of any kind- I've sort of had my fill of those over the years. The only relationships I'm looking for are some new friends.
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I like the usual rock & pop. If I can dance to it, I probably like it. I also enjoy the Limeybirds, the Brobdignodian Bards, Owaine Phyfe, and the Pirate Shantyman & His Bonny Lass. Menagerie always captivates me, and my friend Jess (who is an amateur songstress) can always bring a tear to my eye with her melodious voice...
Star Trek and the Star Wars movies of course since I tend to be a sci-fi nut. I also like movies like First Knight and most anything having to do with medieval times. The Highlander movies were pretty good, but I liked the TV series much better.
I don't have much time for TV anymore, but when I do take the time to watch anything its usually an internet based Star Trek fanfic show caled: Star Trek-New Voyages. I'm also into the Highlander TV series and am involved in a few online RP sites.
The chosen one, the ultimate Buffy the vampire slayer quiz. (the T.V show, not the movie.)
You are a true Buffy Fan! Congrats! There's an Angel quiz coming soon..LOL messsage me, for i am alos a true fan of BTVS. LOL
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JD Robb (aka Nora Roberts), Stephen King, Douglas Adams, and Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens are some of my favorite authors.
Being somewhat of a realist, most of my heros are real people. If you find yourself involved somehow as a public servant (police, fire, EMS), you're probably unknowingly one of my heros...