Welcome to our hood....This is Trev, TV and E Gutta...the next hottest thing outta VA.....Trev-Age 18, TV-Age 17 and E Gutta Age-19 are the illest rappers out there....real talk....Dudes not seein us....Hailing from Norfolk VA aka Shark City soon to be known as the city of godz...from the most gutta street in AmeriKKKa....Manson St.. located in Campostella.....The realest its gonna ever get....and it doesnt stop there....The 3 Precise lyricists might have different styles but equal sickness wit the bars...Spittin conscious and club bangaz might be their strong point but they display versatility on any and every track they lay bars on......Keep ya ear to the streets....and Go head....GET BIIZZY
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