Videos by vMix Member: yummimayiah Sex Preference
Top or Bottom Bottom
Morning or Night Night
Lights on or off Off
Touching or kissing Kissing
Giver or Reciever Pends who tha person is
Nice & slow or Rough & fast Rough N Fast
Bitting or Kissing Kisisng
Scratching or tickling .....
Grabbing or caressing Grabbing
loud or quite Loud
Drunk or Sober Drunk
Outside or Inside Outside
Standing up or laying down Standing up
Pain or Pleasure Lil of Both
A Break or straight Straight
Under or on top of the covers Under
Clothes on or off Off Duh Good or Bad Foreplay
Whipped Cream Good
Fudge Good
One night stand Sometimes Both
Booty calls Good
pillow bitting Good
Long toe nails Bad
Sex toys Good
Ashy elbows Bad
Soft Skin Good
Music Good CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage