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About Me

If you know me, it goes without saying that im quite wacky! I don't like to take Life too seriously, however there are people in my life that mean the world to me (you know who you are), so of course, they have my full concentration . . . . .Unless im getting side traked by the TV when im on the phone :? Still living at home at the mo (Sometimes for the good, however i could pull my hair out!) I've had a wicked past couple of years, which has included so mad adventures including my 21st for which a group of about 20 of us hired out a cottage in the midle of nowhere in Shropshire, with a "heated" swimming pool, and got slightly sloshed! Wicked weekend. Many weekends away, and a few holidays inc Spain, Turkey with my Angel, Marc; and of course the legendary holiday to Faliraki - What happens on holiday, stay on holiday! :) Im currently a Branch manager of a store, which will go un-named, and loving every minute if it. Looking at going on Holiday again in March for a break away and planning the big summer Holiday for summer 07 with Marc and 1 with the girlies! Hopefully though here i will be able to get back in touch with some old faces, so if you know me, feel free to contact me. xxMy 22nd birthday night out! 13th Jan 07Weekend to edinburgh with dad 19th-22nd Jan 07

My Interests

Shoes, of which i have about 60! having fun! Exploring the world with Marc and friends! Partying! and spending time at my second home in South Wales, where i am everyother weekend.

I am certified:

44% addicted to Myspace
Are you addicted to MySpace?

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Knoxville! Yes Please. Or a rich man (no offence marc, still love u :)
You Are a Fun Flirt
You just can't help yourself... you flirt with everyone you know.
Guys, girls, crushes, and friends. They're all victims to your charm.
You're into silly innuendos, sexy jokes, and playful touches.
You are a huge flirt, yet you never make anyone (too) uncomfortable! What Kind of Flirt Are You?


Which Britney Spears are you?
Sexy Almost Naked Britney
You are young and you have nothing to hide. You are a free spirit who has fun dancing and being sexy. You will be old with wrinkles some day, enjoy it while you can.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --A bit of this and that. Anythin fun! Really loving James Morrisons album at the mo!, But generally loving all music that brings back wicked memories!!
Click Here to get this from pYzam.com!


Dumb and dumber. Love Actually. Monsters Inc
Play more games at: The Playuh Arcade


Top gear. Eastenders. Lost - Still trying to work my way through the series from what i missed! Little Britain - seen this live, well worth it!


Loving the Autobiographys, just reading Chris Moyles autobiography. very funny!


My mate Vic - She's not long got over Cancer at the age of 26, (cleared 2 months ago) and just found out she's pregnant against all the odds! She's a star, and the most positive person i know!