snowboarding, cooking, photos and videos, music (like to discover new styles), dancing, outdoor parties with friends, travelling a lot, european criminal law and fight against white collars criminality!
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Edcox, Ekox6tm, General Hydrophonick, Melt banana, Vitalic, Dalek, Asschapel, Combichrist,Beck, Noir D?sir, Ikar, Mosdef, Dj Qbert, Bjork, Beastie boys, Cypress Hill, Interlope, Daft Punk, Falcom and Cec-Systematek, arobass, Miss Helium, Mental resistance, les 3 points, Madness, Monster Zoku Onsomb, toxikboy, Okktek and strahov soundsystems, disco music....
Lost in translation, inside man, sympathy for lady vengeance, Akira, all Myizaki's movies, chat noir chac blanc, Mulholland Drive...
La fille qui marchait sur l'eau, Gaisha, Les d?mons, cols blancs et mains sales, For the President's eyes only; Days of war, nights of love...
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