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About Me

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5Hi ya'll! My name is Darlyn. I am a JESUS FREAK!!! I love my Family .. They are my Best friends in my life! I love to draw and paint but most of all, I love Photography .. I have a passion for it and am pursuing it. I love music and going CRAZY at concerts!!! I want to learn to play an guitar or piano! I dislike the color Pink... I really dislike politics but have strong opinions about the subject.. I'm Pro-life not Pro-choice.. I love to go Camping & Fishing, most anything outdoors I'm up for.. If you dare to do something, be prepared.. I might just do it as long as its ok with God. lol Ask my Mom.. That's how I ended up going Bungee Jumping!!! I love My Jesus... He's my number #1 Friend.. I love spending time with him.. He is always there for me through Everything, I depend on him.. Some people might think that's weird.. but...but that's what he is forming me into , my relationship with him is very close! HE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! and always comes first.. I don't like coffee.. I love Tea though.. I drink it alot with my Mom.. Blueberry's my favorite.. I love laughing and making People laugh.. I believe It's a gift from God...... I watch a lot of old Movies...I ADORE Audrey Hepburn and Her movies.. She was an amazing actress... I love my Brother and how he likes Dean Martin. We listen to him all the time... I love my Cousin Sarah, She's an amazing young woman. I love my Daddy, YES! I'm a Daddy's Girl!!!! But I'm also a Mommas girl... I love to Cook and most everything is I have an appreciation for old fashion things. I really enjoy garage sales and antiquing.. I have things saved in my hope chest.. I have started collecting old books, cookie cutters.. and my favorite, tins... I've been called an old soul.. These things make me happy.. I REALLY dislike stupid scary movies. Yes, I do like Chick flicks but I also LOVE action movies, mostly Super Hero movies. or Movies with a meaning.. . It bugs me when people CONFORM to what everyone else is doing just to fit in.. I love standing out in the crowd. I pride myself on Standing out for the Cause of Christ... I like MEEE that way and I also like that in my Friends too!! I will always stand for what I believe No matter WHAT!!! I will not waiver. I am a very hard worker, I don't mind getting dirty and working hard.. I choose Never give up on ANYTHING!!! Unless, God tells me to. I'm a little bit of a clean Freak.. but not too I love my Grandma's.. am very close to both of them and they Love and Spoil me with love... I love my Uncles, they I love old Cars and am learning from my uncle about them and how to fix things for myself.. I hate being Stuck on the side of the road and not knowing what to do.. Not really into the whole damsel in distress thing... I really really really would love to have my dream car( 69 Mustang!!!) I LOVE ALL MY LITTLE COUSINS :) I love driving fast in a old car..... I admit I do tend to watch my feet when I walk.. Ok, Mom, I've admitted it.. lol Oh, I am definitely a Country Girl at heart with Alot of Rock!! lol I love old music though like Billie Holiday and Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr I love James Taylor.. .. Yes, My taste on music is Very Vast! I guess you can say Music is a real passion for me and I love it!! I tend to be a NIGHT OWL!! (Sleep nope never), well maybe.. Ok, I need it! I love this Quote.. "Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. C. S. Lewis" Anyway, this is MEEEEEEEEE!!!! IF You want to know more..and yes, there is more... Just ask me :)
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pro life.

Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:55:00 GMT

Against Abortion!!!!

Month One Mommy I am only 4 inches long but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heartbeat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy today I learned how to suck m...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 20:47:00 GMT

Who crashed Suezy's Car.....ME.....

Ok, so it's New Years Right ..Well, about a hour after 12:00am, Me and Suezy decide to go do to her Moms house and for those that don't know it's just two houses down from My Uncle Tods..Well we get i...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 04:40:00 GMT


All Right I just got back from a Warren Barfield concert it was amazing  I will never forget tonight....Thank you Warren Barfield.....
Posted by on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 19:50:00 GMT