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I am here for Friends

About Me

Good god where do i start? erm...... ok. im 20 yrs old, well actualy twenteen, i soo dnt wana leave my teens, disappeared from every1 4 a while n was a bit 2 grown up bein domestic n sensible in a realy long relationship. i was released back in2 the world last year n reunited with my friends who i adore soooo much, they mean everyfing 2 me n i wudnt no wot 2 do wivout them. got me through sum tough times girls n i bloody love yas! I love socialisin, nights out mostly include getin ridiculously drunk, doin sum ridiculous dancin (rach n dara) n wakin up the nxt day wiv cringin flask backs of the night b4 swearing it will neva happen again....til nxt wkend if we last that long. studied at the london college of beauty therapy but neva realy done nefing wiv my qualififcation so pretty pointless realy. iv been workin 4 the nhs 4 the past 4 years n getin pretty bored wiv it now, realy wana travel n work abroad so thats my nxt project opefuly. i luv life n luv meetin new pple, so feel free 2 add me if ya want, friends make life worth livin!Create or get your
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I need 2 c the world!!!

I've decided officially now that i need 2 travel n c the big wide world that is jus waitin there 2 b explored. Anybody wiv ne ideas tips n advice pls help me out, i duno where 2 start.... thanks guys ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 14:36:00 GMT