Hello people, my name's Tim. Hmmm....aboout me.
I live in a place called Cracktown UK, or 'Ilson' to the locals.....are you local?
I'm 183 cm tall, or 6.00393701 feet for you Imperial oldies
I've never had a filling or a tooth pulled
I'm a soldier in the Royal Engineers
I've got 2 girls and a boy and I've never heard the end of it from anybody yet....
I've got 2 brothers and a sister
According to my gran I'm related to the captain of the Titanic. Luck runs in my family, then.
I've got an AS level in History-going back to college in '08
I play guitar- current favourites are Foo Fighters, Incubus and Killswitch Engage
I can shoot a 5p piece off a treestump at 30 yards with an air rifle and iron sights. Yes I'm a wannabe sniper.
Despite my reputation as a man whore I've slept with less women than I have fingers and toes. More than I have fingers, though. Edit: not FINGERED or TOED which is something different, and in any case it would be a few less but not many.
I'm ginger and the collar matches the cuffs. End of discussion, please :op
My favourite drink is Jagermeister. I just drink the other stuff for the fuck of it.
I can burp the alphabet without puking.
I can't puke the alphabet without burping though.That said I haven't really tried to. That's one for the Army Xmas do.....26 pint glasses please.....
What Combat Weaponry Are You?
Stg-77 Aug
Light weight and agile you fight as though you have something to prove. Speed and agility are your strong points. You can scrap with the big dogs though they tire you out quicker.
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