Amtchat profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Amtchat is an incantation which describes a person of patience. It's a process. Thanks for going with the flow.See me smiling?... I know The Secret. When you're ready, I'll let you in on the secret too.I recently learned that I love to dance. In a perfect world I'd have a live band that travelled 10 paces behind me to keep my theme music going.As I sit here, I'm a walking contradiction... por ejemplo: I love to cook, but I hate to do the dishes.I love Love, but I'm not a fan of repetitive redundancy.I'm well versed in the art of giving and receiving. I get recharged by good hugs.I'm a big fan of head games, mind games and brain games.I figured out how to feel. I feel good about that. I feel great.As an Angoleiro, I learn more about myself everyday, through my interactions with the world. I have learned that RULES are mutable and based on circumatance. Otherwise, it's like driving your car based on a photo of the area... rather than a real time analysis of circumstance. Another testimony about going with the flow, I suppose.Everyday, I learn more about how the 11 laws are who I am.I fought joining Mysp for a loooong time, mostly because I didn't want to have to write anything in this self absorbed description section... so I'll sum it all up with this:I realize that I am an expression of who We are. What you do is for us, and the perceived differences and seperation between us is imaginary.I eat popcorn one piece at a time. With chopsticks. With my left hand. Part of the Jedi training I guess. My mouse is leftie too, just for kicks.I read palms, but I've never read psalms.I always listen to my gut (it has saved me countless times before, and I'd be remiss to turn my back now)My drugs of choice are love, sex and laughter. My most productive weapons in the war on bored-ism have been biking through the city and Capoeira.And I make great peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who love life. Dog whisperers. International farmers. People who posess multiple languages. People who talk to plants. People who hear plants talking to them. Young parents. Men who can describe what a man is. Myself. People who talk about having and controlling money, on a regular and frequent basis. People who are in vibrational harmony with health, wealth, wisdom, agape and infinite expansion. An engineer with a knack for explaining how things work (especially the pull back car...). My great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren.

My Blog

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