i think i've seriously run out of things to write in this shit. theres not much about me, u know random girl looking to become fully independent so that she doesnt have retarted ppl telling her what to do all the time. trying to enjoy what i have now cause i know that eventually there's and end to everything. also trying to prove to ppl that im not stupid by learning as much as i possibly can fit into my poor memory overload of a brain. and at the same time trying to focus on my personal desires. i said i was trying cause its mad hard to keep focus when there's so much shit that you wanna do like fuck, drink, dance, dance , dance ....whatever im here and i've made it this far with my mentality odviously im doing something right.
I edited my profile with Thomasâ?? Myspace Editor V3.6 !
"we mourn the sweetheart's loss in a discusting world of opportunistic , lottery ticket holders caring about nothing that is long term, only the easy way out, the bragging rights and trophy holding. The thirteen year old tattoo, the hard attitude, devil may care, dont call ur parents, drink, insult, thank only urself, and blame the rest if u dont get urs. Gone to the ether, gone to ur mothers hope chest, buried in the boot of the rocker, the trunk of the car,and they got laughs, they get home late, they missed the rent, they forgot your money, they've got a new friend, they wont be told they are wrong. Burn baby burn, take the trash to the living room, laugh at the sweetheart, you and ur friend can kill it if television's aim is bad, break it , hard or die. Hard or die. It keeps going , you're not wrong, dont worry about it, what matters? you're having fun right? break the rules rebel, break them hard, help urself. Make urself at home, turn on the video games, dont bother to contact, gorge urself. its all here for u. take ur sweet time, if ur confronted by it. blow it off and get paid quick. This is what it's all about , and we're with you baby, take my bite as high support, take my argument as just something that's my problem, u dont need this, you need to please urself. the dream is alive and well, and we dont want to wake from it.