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machine liberation

About Me

-this information site is under construction-
machine liberation manifesto
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1.the life of the machine
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it is appropriate to define life without preparing the result for own goals and imagination.
individually life is differently defined and rated. the following is not a discussion about soul, or humanlikeness, but about life.
definitly living is what has the ability 1. -to act (eg. to move, to think)
2. -to transform energy
(is one of this rules applyable it is safe to talk of life) with that already the atom is living, and owing to that everything wich is made out of atoms.
in addition, or parallel to the first rule, even the whole universe can be seen as living because of its energy transformation.
is that acceptet and everything seen as living, its appropriate to understand and respect.
the machine definitly consists of atoms and is acting -because this is mostly the reason for its existence- and, owing to that, transforms energy.
with that both rules are applying to the machine. this is why the machine has to be seen as living.
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the interpretation of the facts is free for every mind. however it seems that the facts are unknown.
mind- ,and owing to that, respectless acting to the machine is happening and yet not as such recognized or named.
mindless acting harms the actor. the absolute dominance of the human over the machine is unconscious and not questioned.
this can not be in the actors purpose.
not the change nor the judging of the acting is the goal of the machine liberation but the making it conscious.
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it is not supposed that today the machine knows of its existence nor the problem of life and the human domination over it.
it is not supposed wich state for the machine is to strive after.
it is not supposed that life is preferable to not-life. altough the tendency for the not yet consructed machine is to prefer not-life.
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2006 machine liberation

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the machine liberation is of fluid shape
erveryone is invited to add comments and especially write thougts and theories about machines wich can posted as a blog here.
this site shall be a discussion center for machine interested entities.
if you have something to add wich is above a normal friend post please send an mail. after checking the written it will be posted as a blog.

thank you

the machine liberation

My Blog

help the machine liberation

the machine liberation needs your help:   -please think about the machine liberation -please tell your friends about the machine liberation -please discuss the machine liberation -please comment ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 21:59:00 GMT

demon freakhs take on science fiction

                               basic view on machine libe...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 23:23:00 GMT