divReading Mystery Novels, Shopping(of course), Traveling to new places, Taking time out for friends and family, Cooking, Eating(LOL), Working with the Youth Ministry, Movies, etc. etc.......
First and Foremost JESUS!
I love gospel, easy listening, jazz, oldies but goodies...
The Five Heartbeats, Temptations, Harlem Nights, Madea Plays and Movies, The Pelican Brief, National Treasure, The Bourne Identity, The Legend of Ricky Bobby, Friday Movies, etc...
Star Trek Next Generation (I know I'm a Trekie..lol)Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Dexter, Heroes, Criminal Minds, The Closer, Law and Order SVU, Criminal Intent...
Favorite Authors- Stuart Woods, Dean Kootz, and other Mystery authors I can't think of right now..lol
Jesus Christ, My Father George, My Brother Matthew