mac profile picture


hired guns

About Me

i read that when people cuss it activates different parts of the brain than normal speech. it uses the artistic parts, so when i cuss, and i do, you should know i'm a fucking artist.i have a chance to move to vietnam with my company. i would get a more interesting job and would move to hanoi indefinitely. if it happens it would be this summer/fall. it looks pretty certain right now, and i'm taking a class in computer programming and trying to learn vietnamese.

My Interests

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever." some inspirational pessimism from orwell

I'd like to meet:

people with rich inner lives.


i like all music except country (thats the newest cliche i think) but really i just like catchy pop from different genres (thats the real truth right)


man vs wild


i like books that explain things like real good profound and shit, like guns germs and steel. profundity. or just really good stories. like 100 years of solitude, this book is sweet.


richard feynman and warren buffett. jim morrison. strength of personality. and here is a shoutout to Thien, one of the 8 peole under 30 who still doesn't have a myspace profile. it will happen one day Thien, myspace spreads like a gangrenous wound. you are in my heroes section for a reason.

My Blog

mago de oz

i just put mago de oz on my page.  these guys are fuckin ridiculous.  they are called gothic folk rock and have a singer who sounds like geddy lee.  i put satania on here, but you can g...
Posted by mac on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 01:35:00 PST