Nick- I'm a 17 yr old male vocalist, Pianist, and Guitarist. I have been singing since I was ten years old and playing the Piano for almost three years, self-taught. I have participated in general chorus since fourth grade, and I was also a part of All-Lindy Chorus, Select Chorus, I have performed for the Festival of the Arts on several occasions, I am currently a member of the Lindenhurst Senior High School Concert Choir, and I am a returning member of All-County as a Tenor I. I have also participated in NYSSMA, and received a score of 26 out of 28 on a level four piece, a 99 on a level five piece, and a 92 on a level six all-state piece. I mainly listen to Classic Rock from the 60's and 70's, but i love modern country and some Broadway songs (i.e. RENT)
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