a girl with good balance, both in life, and on the beam, knowin how to get dressed. And my 8-12 kids
dave.slash.edge.mayer.common.nasir.any good ol guitar shreds, if F-stop blues doesnt feel like a sun-goin down surf, nothing does. any good oldschool or underground or lyrically talented beats,and maybe its gay, and maybe i roll my windows up when i listen to her. but i loooooooooove Alanis morrissete,
GOOD WILL HUNTING!, TWO FOR THE MONEY! HE GOT GAME! terrence howard. mark wahlberg. samuel l. denzel. matthew McConaughey
eagles. bball. fuel.
im in the middle of a great one. Kingdom Triangle by J.P. Moreland
I'm tryin to send more lumber Jesus, i loooooooooooooooooooooove you.