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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Battle Cry Ministries is an independent ministry to the Native Americans of South Dakota. The vision of the ministry is to start a foster care ranch/safe house where, Native American kids can recieve hope through Jesus Christ. They will also be given all the tools and knowledge to have a productive tomorrow. The ranch will consist of cattle, where the kids can learn agriculture. There will be a vocational type school where they learn welding, carpentry, mechanics, computer and clerical skills. We believe the best place for a child to learn and grow is at home with mom and dad, but sometimes curcumstances take this from a child. We want to offer a place where a child can be safe for long term or short term while the parents recieve the help they may need. We are here and loving it.Layout made by Layout made by

Myspace Layouts at / Native American

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sitting Bull and Red Cloud. I would love to hear what they have to say about what we have done to there land. YIKES!

My Blog


THIS IS LETTER FROM A NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRY NEWSLETTER.I am a 27 yr. old Oglala Lakota woman, originally from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. I was fortunate enough to have been adopted by a sta...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 19:59:00 GMT

Battle Cry Rezolutionz

The calling Tracey and I are feeling in hearts is undeniable. We have run into set backs and challenges from time to time, but we will never stop moving towards the call that God has placed on our liv...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 19:18:00 GMT