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*.....i LoVe mE.....*

My Interests


i LiStEn tO aNy KiNd oF MuSiC... aS LoNg aS iT iS NiCe... dErS LoAdS oF eM... aLmOsT aLL KiNd oF MuSiC... NoT aLL BuT mOsT oF eM...


hmm MoViEs? dEr LoAdS oF eM... LoAdS Of MoViEs tO mEnTiOn... i WaTcH AnY MoViE hOrrOr, aCtIoN, RoMaNtIc, cOmEdIeS o WaT sO EvEr... cOz i WaTch AnY MoViE aS LoNg aS iTs A GuD MoViE pLuS i LuV CaRtOOn sO...... MuCh.... wAt U HaV tO NoE fOr DiS pArT HeRe iS dAt i sPeNd N wAsTe mY LiFe jUz FoR wAtChInG aLL dAy LoNg... sO U uNdErStAnD wAt I mEaN wAtChIng TV aLL DaY LonNg Is Lyk WaTcHiN wAt eVeR DaT iS sHoWn oN... sAd HeH?


DuN AsK... cOz i DuNNo wAt DaT iS... TeLL mE wAt Is dAt aCtUaLLy... WeLL SoUnDs FaMiLiAr i'vE hEaRd iT sUm wEr But iM nOt SuRe wAt A BooK iS... heheheheh i dUn rEaLLy LyK ReAdInG heheheh i RaThEr wAtCh DeN ReAd...