BabyJane profile picture



About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace LayoutsI am a 6 year old staffy who has defied death not once but twice! I was hit by a van when I was a little pup but luckily only flesh wounds! Then one Christmas my family was making popcorn strings for the tree and darn if I didn't swallow a sewing needle! It got stuck in my throat sideways. Well luckily it was removed without surgery. Since then NO MORE POPCORN ON THE TREE! I have a nice family who each mean so much to me. My mom for cuddling, my dad and brother for rough play, and my sister for snuggles! I'm a pretty friendly dog once I get to know you. Don't ever mess with my bones though! Only mom can get them from me! LOL! (see video) I wish all dogs had as good of life as I do. Bully's RULE!!!

My Interests

| View Show | Create Your OwnRunning, jumping, swimming, pulling rope, chewing sticks, chasing balls, sqirrels and birds, Food, I love food! Drooling, Sleeping, farting, snoring. I love to snuggle and I love having my belly rubbed.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who loves dogs like me! If you breed pit bulls, you are not a friend. Too many pitty's are being killed everyday in shelters. Too many ignorant people are owning this breed for the wrong reason which is why good people like my friends have to fight to defend us every day. DON'T BUY WHILE SHELTER DOGS DIE!!!
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Music to my ears is the sound of my mommies car pulling into the driveway.


Not much of a movie watcher but will catch the occasional dog show.


Animal Planet of course!!!


Petey the Pit Bull from The Little Rascals..

My Blog

Prayer of a Stray

  Taken from bulletin posted by Taz...   Prayer of a StrayDear God please send me somebody who'll care!I'm tried of running, I'm sick with despair.My body is aching, it's so racked with pain...
Posted by BabyJane on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:18:00 PST


?Well I went to the vet today...AGAIN!!!  This is my 3rd ear infection since we moved.   Apparently I am allergic to something here.  My vet said I need 400.00 to get started on al...
Posted by BabyJane on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 08:23:00 PST

Top 10 Reasons Why You Can't Trust Vicious Pit Bulls

      I copied this from one of my friends blog because it touched my heart so much.  It's all sooo true.... The Top Ten Reasons Why You Can't Trust Vicious Pit Bulls10. They will ...
Posted by BabyJane on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:18:00 PST

I Hate Winter!

OK this is just me ranting a bit but I do hate the cold weather.  It was so nice for Thanksgiving.  I got to spend a lot of time running outside stirring up leaves that my mom was trying to ...
Posted by BabyJane on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:19:00 PST