| View Show | Create Your OwnRunning, jumping, swimming, pulling rope, chewing sticks, chasing balls, sqirrels and birds, Food, I love food! Drooling, Sleeping, farting, snoring. I love to snuggle and I love having my belly rubbed.
Anyone who loves dogs like me! If you breed pit bulls, you are not a friend. Too many pitty's are being killed everyday in shelters. Too many ignorant people are owning this breed for the wrong reason which is why good people like my friends have to fight to defend us every day. DON'T BUY WHILE SHELTER DOGS DIE!!!
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Music to my ears is the sound of my mommies car pulling into the driveway.
Not much of a movie watcher but will catch the occasional dog show.
Animal Planet of course!!!
Petey the Pit Bull from The Little Rascals..