Ur Boyfriend's Gurlfriend profile picture

Ur Boyfriend's Gurlfriend

Don't Let Da Cute Face Fool Ya..

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
Real Shit Yep
Are u a virgin? Uh, Uh
What is your favorite sexual position? What's urs?
Do you like sex? Who doesn't?
How many people have you had sex with? Guess??
Any one that you really likes? A couple
Craziest thing u eva said during sex? Where'd it go??
Craziest thing u eva did during sex? Thought about punchin dat nig for wasting my time
Shaved or unshaved? Shaved
Big or small? Big
Naked or partially nude? Naked
Prefer fucking or love making? Both
Screaming or quiet sex? Depends on HIS skillz
Music or voices? Voices
Oral? Yep
Anal? Once or twice
Ever had sex with more than 1 person at a time? Ugh!!
Whats the furthest you ever went on the first date? A hug goodnight
Any one night stands? Um... Oh yeah... I was fucked up dat night..
Ever had unprotected sex? All da time (wit my boo silly)
Do u like foreplay? Why not?
Do u like to kiss during sex? Yep
Do u like to be on top or bottom? Bottom
If u cheat on ur spouse..on da kool...or in da open? Cheatin is a no, no!
If u had to guess..how many time u had sex? Um... wait... still countin...
Ever had sex outside? Yeah
At skool? No
Are you a freak? When I feel like it.
Most times u fucked in 1 day? Til I couln't take it no more
Did u answer this honestly? What u think???
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My Interests

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ThAts So NaSty
how old were u when u lost your virginity? 16
what is the name of your best sex partner ever? J. P. M.
where is your fantasy place to do it? hmmm... gotta think about that one
were is the best place you have ever done it? honestly can't remember
whats the worst pick up line u ever heard? done heard it all
whats the worst pick up line u ever said? i ain't gotta say nothin
ever recieved oral sex? all da time
ever given it? ???
slow and soft or fast and ruff? slow & soft
fav topping to lick off your partner..... chocolate
where were u at when u had the best sex u ever had? his place
from the front or the back???? both
in the pussy or the ass? pussy
whats more importand tits or ass? don't matter to me
ever be with the same sex? hell nah
fav song to listen to during sex? muzik ain't my focus during sex
making love or hot animal sex? both
are u body shy? nah
ever have a 3 some? nah
ever been tied up? or blind folded? not yet
ever tie anybody up? or blind fold them? no
what was the best thing u ever made ur partner do in bed? (like moan real loud, or say ur name) say my name over & over
when was the last time i had sex? last week
who was ur worst sexual partner? a one nite stand
where do u want to be next time u have sex? depends
who do u want to be with? YOU ;)
whats the naughtiest thing u ever done? lemme show u
ever do it unprotected&..39;

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I'd like to meet:

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Name: India Nicole
Birthdate: Jan. 18, 1985
Birthplace: Lafayette
Current Location: da crib
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'3"
Weight: I'll never tell!!
Piercings: 2
Tatoos: 7
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: not today
Overused Phraze: ya dig!! // yeah bitch!!
Food: Seafood
Candy: Twix
Number: 69
Color: Black
Animal: Pomeranian
Drink: If it won't fuck me up, I don't want it
Alcohol Drink: Hennesy
Bagel: Plain
Letter: I
Body Part on Opposite sex: hmmm...
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Chili's.. ya dig
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Both
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Turtle latte
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Fall
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: Money... fuck love
Bedtime: in da morninq
Most Missed Memory: my ex
Best phyiscal feature: eyes
First Thought Waking Up: sex
Goal for this year: get another job
Best Friends: they know
Weakness: fallin in love
Fears: roaches
Heritage: black
Longest relationship: 3 yrs
Ever Drank: all da time
Ever Smoked: old habits die slow
Pot: weed? oh, yea
Ever been Drunk: too many times
Ever been beaten up: nah
Ever beaten someone up: yeah
Ever Shoplifted: yeah
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: hell nah!!!
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: cole black
Short or Long: both
Height: a lil taller than me
Style: just gotta be fresh at all times
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: nah
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: too many
What country do you want to Visit: brazille
How do you want to Die: in my sleep
Do you like Thunderstorms: i dunno
Get along with your Parents: yeah
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: of course
Believe in Yourself: yea
Want to go to College: went for a lil while
Do you Smoke: yea
Do you Drink: yea
Shower Daily: GOTS TO YA DIG!!!
Do you Sing: um... not good, but yea
Want to get Married: of course
Do you want Children: yea
Have your future kids names planned out: yea
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: too late
Hate anyone: dat bitch kno who she is... YEAH U!!


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Relle, Des, & MeMy Nigga Mark..Da Perfect 10 Party in B.R.


My Lil Brudda /a