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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a single mother of two. I am currently not working, but hopefully will start back to college. Yes! Yet again back to college. This time I am going to go for my teaching degree. I want to teach accounting to either high school or college students. In my free time I like to play World of Warcraft (WOW)or games, go to the movies, camping, hiking, biking when I have a bike, and going for long walks with someone. I like to hang out with my girlfriends and have a good time. I love my Lord Jesus Christ. ..
Make your own Myspace Crazy Text at CommentYou.comI am currently in a relationship and very very happy with it. I am not here looking for any kind of dating relationship at all. I am just looking for friends. I don't want people to ask to be my friends that want to post in my comments trying to sell crap. I am not going to advertise for you unless you plan on paying me 100 dollars everytime you post a comment that advertises for you. Otherwise, I am not going to advertise for you. I don't want perverts wanting to cam or talk on yahoo. I am not giving out my yahoo to anyone. The people I want to talk to on yahoo know my yahoo so therefore I have no need to give it out.
Get More at COMMENTYOU.comI want to let my boyfriend know that he is special to me. You make me smile even when I don't want to smile. You make me laugh when I don't want to laugh. You give me energy when I don't have energy. Thank you so much for being such a great guy and for spoiling me rotten. I appreciate you so much.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Jim Carey (my all time favorite comedian) Jennifer Anniston (My new hair style is all thanks to her) Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, Julia Roberts, and Sandra Bullock.Talking about funny people. I saw this comedian called Sherif at the Funny Bone here in Huntington, WV. He is dabomb. You have to see him. Play the video that follows to see exactly how funny he is. Let me know what you think.

My Blog

The truth box

Hello everyone,How are you all doing?  Good I hope.  Well, I just looked at my truthbox responses.  One of them said that I can be selfish at times.  I have one question who isn't.  Yes!  I can be sel...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 04:32:00 GMT

Going to be gone for awhile

Hey everyone,I haven't been on for awhile and probably wont be on much for awhile.  My internet is not connected yet.  It's taking the guy forever to get to our house to hook up the wireless internet....
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 10:56:00 GMT

The time has come.

First I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanneka, Happy Kwanza, whichever it may be that you may observe.  I hope that your Holiday is great. My little girl is growing up.  She...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 23:05:00 GMT

I am glad they are finally doing something

I am so glad that the doctors are finally doing something after six months or more of complaining and also threatening to go to another doctor.  I have been sick for awhile and kept telling the d...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 05:13:00 GMT

All you haters and liars out there!

Okay!  I am getting tired of this lying business everyone seems to be wrapped up in to hurt me.  STOP IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!  I am getting sick and tired of everyone friends and family ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:00:00 GMT

What I think about the situation

I forgot to say something.  I have my opinions on why Donald and Sandy are doing what they are doing. They raised their own children and try their hardest to control them even to this day.  ...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 13:43:00 GMT

Good and Bad News

Okay!  I have good news and sort of bad news.  I am going to start with the good news first. Well, I am going back to school yet again.  This time I am going for Medical Coding then I h...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 13:35:00 GMT

I Can’t Wait!

OMFG!!!!!  I haven't seen Lonnie since Sunday.  I can't wait until I can see him again.  I miss him so much.  I love him so much.  I can't stand being away from him.  I ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 16:42:00 GMT

Tired of all the lies

Okay!  Yes!  I am writing this and don't care who the heck sees it, and if they try to use this against me in court.  I have a right to freedom of speech and you can't take that away fr...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 15:58:00 GMT

I am in total love

I never knew that true love could exsist.  I always thought that it was a fairytale that we all look up to to have some hope in life.  I thought I had found true love several times, but real...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 19:28:00 GMT