bezerk, plastic, visual pop playing audio-visualists...or anyone that warms to performance, interactive and digital arts, may secretly own pink crocheted doilies & seek robot toys housing hidden cameras, maybe enjoys dipping into the worlds of eve bonneau's enchanting performance video and light work, julia bardsley's obsessions with scale, pinhole and shifting identities, pes and wonderful bulldog clip moth stopframe, christian marclay art & music fusion, zachary liebermann and his tmema live drawing interactions, no-domain live cut-out puppet pop animation, fuzzy felt animation & woof wan-bau, washing machine pinhole cameras & steven pippin, penguins travelling the world & willy puchner, amato saltone & the shunt collective, the beautiful tunng, and cat-tastic psapp, the misplaced, those who laugh when they're not supposed to and go over the lines when colouring in...who live life in a martin parr photograph or trachtenburg family slideshow players haphazard projection....yep..always a tasty treat...and those up for playing together/creating havoc in visual and performance based adventures....