Vem är Lilit? Enligt myten så var Lilit den första kvinnan som gud skapade tillsammans med Adam. Men Lilit vägrade lyda Adam och ville inte underordna sig och blev därför förvisad ut ur paradiset. Då skapade gud Eva från Adams revben.
Lilit är för mig en stark person. Lilit är frihet. Lilit söker rättvisa. Lilit går inte in i ledet, hon strävar efter att vara sig själv. Lilit är modig. Lilit dansar med sanningen, hon leker med den. Lilit är en ängel, men har fått stämpeln som en djävul.
Lilit följer sitt hjärtas melodi och vill med hjälp av sin musik föra Er närmare era hjärtan, och era melodier.
"To me, hip hop says, "Come as you are". We are a family. It ain't about security. It ain't about bling-bling. It ain't about how much your gun can shoot. It ain't about 200 dollar sneakers. It is not about me being better than than you or you being better than me. It's about you and me, connecting one to one. That's why it has universal appeal. It has given young people a way to understand their world, whether they are from the suburbs or the city or wherever.
Hip hop has also created a lot of jobs that otherwise wouldn't exist. But even more important, I think hip hop has bridged the culture gap. It brings white kids together with black kids, brown kids with yellow kids. They all have something in common that they love. It gets past the stereotypes and people hating eachother bacause of those stereotypes.
Hip hop has always been about having fun, but it's also about taking responsibility. And now we have a platform to speak our minds. Millions of people are watching us. Let's hear something powerful. Tell people what they need to hear. How will we help the community? What do we stand for? What would happend if we got the hip hop generation to vote, or form organizations to change things? That would be powerful." / DJ Kool Herc ( ur boken "Can't stop Won't stop - a history of the hip hop generation" )