Gorgeous!!!Attractive personality.Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! Loves to get their way! . Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very STUBBORN in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed! Willing to take risks for others. Makes GOOD choices. Has a great fashion sense! Outgoing and Cr@Zy at times! Intelligent. Very athletic!! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! A very BIG flirt! .... Trustworthy. Appreciative and RETURNS kindness. The best in bed. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.
Love is when... you dont want to go to bed because reality is better then some dream..
Hi my name is Lillian Viland April Thompson, I was born on April 20,1986 I am African American with a slight dash of white... lOL, I am pretty much married to the man of my dreams whom I have been with for six years (would have been seven but we had hard times)We our proud parents of our daughter Dominique Elvia Fonseca, she was born on halloween evening of 2007 at 5:17 pm she weighted 7lbs 5oz and 20in long(she is our world). We live in Espanola New Mexico, where I graduated from Espanola Valley High School back in 2005. Currently I have only finished one semester of college :0( but I hope to go back soon and better my education for the long life I plan to have :0). I am now a Dental Assistant for a Great group of Dr.'s(DR.Lakinds, Dr. Kirkland and Dr, Simons and the Great team of D.A's). I have one brother who is my very best friend, he knows everything about me and I know everything about him ITS GREATS, he is going to UNM and will become great in whatever he does. My mother is a great mother/women and now NEW Grandmother, who is strong, very smart, beautiful, and just a great person.
I did have 5 doggies but now we only have 3: Brindal, Angel, and Misty(our other two Kimba and Marley ran away from home :0(....i hope they are ok). We did have a really big bird named Ruby but now he lives with my mom :0)which is great cause he is very loud.
Before i would love to party and drink with friends but now i do not drink and hardly go out....I now consider myself a reformed party girl so i can become a "perfect Mom" ... really :0) .... my days our now spent loving my daughter and sharing a life with a handsome man at home. I still OF COURSE have my very best friends Melissa, Stacey, Francine, and Gabby(their the best)
Well all in all i love my new life as a Mother and "wife"
..... all about the lobos .....
I'm not a perfect girl my hair doesn't always stay in place & i spill things alot. I'm pretty cumsy & sometimes i have a broken heart. my friends & i fight & maybe some days nothing goes right. BUT when i think about it & take a step back i remember how AMAZING life truly is & that maybe..just maybe...I like being
U N P E R F E C T - unknown
P U ..YOU..STINK lOLPEOPLE ARE like WOW thoSe girls are ALWAYS together....DAMN riGht we are...WE'rE BEST fri3nds foreVer -unknown