She's like ..Do not step on insects. Like..crumbled off red the Fresh air on an early morning..eating spagetti 3 times a week.. like your hot kiss in mid december.. I should warn you about my mindgames, the strong urge to manipulate. I can see you're sad, even when you smile even when you laugh, Doing before asking..Saying the right things at the wrong time..walking around barefoot.. faling in and out of love, Staring at beautifull girls..Like bullying or get Unshaved leggs nd not caring about it.. Science nd only science is right..Darwin was right.Offer opinion for free;
Guys with long hair are sexy; I still need to get one of those.I like chips in seasons, had salty time but now i'm back into paprika, I hate homophobia. I don't believe in Jebus. I do believe in Herbs.
By smokesomeflowers at 2009-07-10