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Elisa Ombra

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Cool Clocks at WishafriendHi!my name is Elisa, but my friends call me Ombra.I live in a city near Venice…my favourite colour is black, but I also like purple...I love skulls and crosses...I love everything is fantasy, specially dragons...I’d like to go to Australia, New Zealand, Finland and Egypt...my favourite icecream is chocomint....I love squirrels, they are my favourite animals...some of my hobbies: go swimming, go rollerblading, music, cinema, bowling, playing the keyboard (I’m not good at it T_T) and my fav: going out with my friends...I love dark brands like Alchemy Gothic, XS Punk, Living Dead Souls etc....my dream is to work for one of those brands... if you want to know something else, ask to me..
What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
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You scored as Romantic Goth

You are a romantic goth, better known as a traditional goth. You are probably quickly identified as a goth by outsiders. Black lace, bats, and moonlit cemetaries are just a few of your favorite things. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.

Romantic Goth


Fantasy Goth


Anything-Goes Goth


Old-school Goth




Perky Goff


Death Rocker


Ethereal Goth




Understanding Outsider


Confused Outsider


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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)
Shadow Dragon Dark, evil, you are the evil breed of dragon. You lurk within the shadows of the night and attack with surprise. You prefer to stay alone, solitude is your best friend within your deep, dark cave or den.
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Which Greek god/goddess are you?
Athena You are Athena! Athena was the Goddess of Crafts and the Domestic Arts and also those of war.She was the patron goddess of Athens. Her symbol was the owl. She was originally the Great Goddess in the form of a bird. By the late Classic, she had come to be regarded as a goddess of wisdom.
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What Animal are you?
You are a Wolf You are a Wolf. Calm and grounded when at ease, but when something comes up that you dont see should fit in the photo, you throw your hackels up and growl. Some may misunderstand you as one who would snap at any given momment, but you love to prove people wrong.((Image (c) Toboe of Deviantart.com))
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Which Archangel Are You?
Michael You are the warrior archangel, the highest next to Lucifer. You unfailingly obey the Lord, and command the angelic armies. Your color is green, direction is West, and element is Earth.
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Are You A Good Friend?
You're A Best Friend You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for! So sweet and caring, you know exactly what to say at just the right moment. When your friends are having a bad day you are always there to cheer them up. You'll never break your loyalties to them in favor of the cool kids either--cause you're already friends with the coolest kids! Your friends feel just the same way about you. You're dependable, self-sacrificing, and one hell of a bud. You rock!
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What Type Of Anime Angel Are You? (Amazing Anime Pics!)
Shy Angel You are a Shy Angel. You usually don't talk much and enjot things like reading and being alone. You have a few close friends but everyone else doesn't really know you. Some people mayb even think you're a mute.
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Which stunning spirit of emotion are you?(amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
You are the Spirit of Hope. You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is feeling down, they merely have to think of you to make them happy again. You have the ability to simply radiate happiness. You can make friends quickly because your strong point is your amazingly friendly nature which naturally people want to be with. You think about the best in everything, a total optimist, you won't have any trouble getting a worthy person to share your life with!
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which of the Seven Heavenly Virtues are you?
Justice Your Justice: You stand for -impartiality, fairness, equity, rightness, dispassion,.The practice of authority in order to do what is right. You are just a little deviate arent you... always causing anger and pride to have a nervous break down. Lol....Everyday justice is served in some way.... so I guess you'll never be out of a job. Keep up the good work.
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What Kind of Angel are you?
Angel of Happiness Your just a happy camper aren't you? You enjoy the good things in life even if there scarce. You are optomistic about everything even in the worst situations. Be careful tho, Not everyone is as sweet and kind natured as you. Some ppl might try to change you and you need to be you. We need more ppl like you on this planet.
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A fairy? whitch one are you? (for girlzzzz!!)
you are a warrior fairy you are a worior fairy. you love to protect those in need and you are very pasonite in your work, and very romantic but also hard working and love the weopons. you enchant the boys/men, even though you might not alwayse know it. your never alone in a relationship because of your enchanted beauty. sometimes you like to play around with this power. lol. but you are one of the most beautiful out of them all.
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A quiz to see which gothic female you are! e.g. Tarja
Tarja Hey there!Make way Tristania,evanescence,within temptation, here's Nightwish!This symphonic metal band can sometimes drive me hyper!Good on you!
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What Nightwish Member Are You?
Tuomas Holopainen Piano-player, quiet and nice... Fantastic song writer... The one of the hopes, because Nightwish exist...

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Ciao!!!...finalmente ho capito come si aggiorna questo blog...!x favore lasciate qualche commento!
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 05:51:00 GMT

test sulla musica -.-’’

PRIMO DISCO ACQUISTATO: non mi ricordo...mi pare uno dei Black Eyed Peas... ULTIMO DICO ACQUISTATO: Century Child dei Nightwish DISCO CHE HA CAMBIATO LA TUA VITA: Elephunk dei BEP....e Once dei Nightw...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:44:00 GMT

test XD (tanto xk nn avevo na mazza da fare XD)

Come ti chiami? Elisa Quando sei nata? 22 Ottobre 1990 Segno Zodiacale? Bilancia Dove sei nata? Mestre Dove Abiti? Spinea Quanto sei alta? 164 cm credo Capelli? Castani ricci -.- Occhi? Castani Colo...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:05:00 GMT