In March 2007 the band took a creative break from live shows, and we started writing and recording material for our debut album: "controlled chaos". We took our time and perfected the songs in our home studio until we were completely satisfied with them. Almost a year passed (9 months to be exact) until it was time to break the silence with an explosion. At the end of the year 2007, stronger than ever, we started doing what we love the most again... live gigs. While playing these songs live, the new inexpressibly good feeling we get, shows and is sure to reach the audience. The band is known for it’s energetic live shows and has supported many famous bands over the years including "Nightwish", "Sub-urban tribe", "Apulanta", "Peer Günt" & "The Sun" just to name a few.
chILL’s 11-song debut album was recorded in our very own "Twisted Studios" and was mixed by finnish metal guru Sami Koivisto (Koivisto has mixed many finnish bands like "Waltari", "Nicole", "Deathbound", "Havoc Unit" and so on...). At the moment "controlled chaos" is released/published & distributed through our own "Twisted"-record label. Right now we’re bombing every record label, booking agency, live venue, media and every possible future partner known to man and we’re just anxious to see what kind of reception our debut gets...
Thank you for your patience greetings, Jouni Rantanen/chILL
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