A Few Things to know about me......
1. My name is Mi [It is pronounced my].
2. I have a spontaneous son. His name is Vinny.
3. I love eating.
4. Unfortunately, I enjoy working.
5. I am part of a band named DAZE.
This Is The Story Of Mi:
Born and raised in the Central Valley of California, I've found my place in Georgia and I am very thankful for the move, because of the possibilities and opportunities that I've came upon. The eagerness to move to a new location and find myself in the solemn of all of this has been fortunate. More then fortune beyond me is my Family. The sacrifice that they go through to bring us here and keep our family close was a n open heart decision. Without my family, I wouldn't have my story to tell.
All and all, the next big steps are my own. Vinny has been my motivational speaker for his 6 3/4 year old mind. He keeps me on my toes and reminds me why I do the things I do now. He is the kick in my soul to drive and keep driving. He is the Will in me, Not giving up because I Can't and Will Not Give Up. Above all, he is the reason to keep moving even though time is standing still when it does.
My buddies in crime are 2,000 miles away from me. We are culprits in this non-envious world. Traveling against the odds and the troubles that hits us back to back, they have been the brick holding the bridge for all the troubles that we've been through and go through.
Across the borders of Georgia, I met a fine young man, Fido Tou Fong Lee, that was willing to put up with my female nagging ways. Bless his heart for taking that road. I am glad that I was the person who got in his way, while he was at a moment that he was in. He be-thinks me, but I am very fond of this human called Fido. He is my friend and adviser in this global world. I am happy in my place with him.
This is just the beginning of my story.
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