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About Me

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My name is Jeff (a.k.a. Baby Blue). I was born and raised in San Francisco, in the Sunset district. My nickname is Baby Blue obviously because that's my favorite color and I used to rock it almost everyday! Not so much now though...I stand 6'1" and don't think I'm growing anymore, although I wouldn't mind a couple inches more (save the perverted jokes!). I grew up REALLY fast in middle school, but slowed down in high school. In 7th grade, I was already 5'8" and by the time I graduated 8th, I was almost 6 feet tall! I guess I get it from my dad cuz he's 5'10". I love being tall!
I love basketball, but I don't even really play it anymore. Ever since I was able to play organized sports (CYO), I knew I had to join. I played on the A team for Holy Name from 3rd to 8th grade. Then I went to Lincoln High and wasn't sure if I would make the team, but thought I would try out anyways. I ended up shining in the tryouts, which put me on the team. I played Freshman year, then quit Sophomore year because it got too stressful. Then in Junior year, I wasn't actually planning to rejoin the team, but I thought I would go to the tryouts just to see how I would do. I wasn't planning to make the team, but I passed the tryouts again and eventually got stuck on the team for the whole season. I guess it was worth it because we won All City and came in 5th place All State. I quit again Senior year because I didn't wanna stress about basketball and just enjoy my last year of high school. I did join another team, Bay Area Asian Sports (BAAS) Dragons. I had a lot of fun on this team! In high school, just because I have height, they put me as a center. But the Dragons realized that I have speed a good long range shot, so I because shooting guard/small forward. We would go outta the city for tournaments for the weekend. It was so much fun because Saturdays, we would have 2 games then hit up the club with all the other Asian basketball teams. Good times...
One of my favorite hobbies is modifying cars. When I was 1 year old, my parents bought me my first Hot Wheels and ever since, I've been obsessed with cars. When I was in 3rd grade, the 2G Eclipse came out and I told my mom that was the car that I wanted when I grew up. I wanted to paint it baby blue and everything. Well, when I became a senior in high school, my parents finally bought me my '99 Eclipse GSX as a graduation present! Within months, I had a bodykit, rims, paint job, spoiler, exhaust, and blow-off valve. I was so excited to get the car that I actually bought parts before I even had the car! I entered my first show back in 2004. Now it's under construction and lookin' kinda ghetto right now. I am in desperate need for a paint job. I'll be back in the shows eventually.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sorry ladies, I got a wifey already...we met on MySpace! =P

...but I'm down to meet new friends! Especially car enthusiasts!

My Blog

Stuntin' is a habit

Elisa had to work today, and I usually hang out with her on Sundays, so I had to find something to do. This past Friday, I finally got my Eclipse's registration unsuspended. So I finally get to st...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 01:10:00 GMT

R.I.P. Bo-Bo

Christmas couldn't be enjoy to it's fullest this year...because Elisa's dog, Bo-Bo was hit by a car. We rushed her to the emergency vet, but it was too late. I love dogs, but don't want one for a LONG...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 02:52:00 GMT

Infomercials are hilarious!

Isn't it hilarious when you watch info-mercials and they make the most basic things look so damn complicated?! Ha ha ha...and it's not intended to be funny either! I guess they'll do anything just to ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 06:54:00 GMT

My birthday weekend (Halloween)

I hope ya'll had a fun and safe Halloween! I sure had a great 23rd birthday! I started off the day by going out with my family to eat @ Moonstar for lunch. We hardly get to go out and eat as a family,...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 09:32:00 GMT

11 more days!

Halloween is just around the corner, and I'm turning 23 this year. I should be graduated from college with my bachelor's already, but I'm way behind in school. The first few semester straight outta hi...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 05:35:00 GMT

2 year anniversary dinner (Waterbar)

October 7, 2008 was mine and my girlfriend's 2 year anniversary. We wanted to eat somewhere somewhat classy, so she picked out the Waterbar on Embarcadero. She ate there before with some co-workers, b...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 08:06:00 GMT


I've been too busy lately to blog, but managed to squeeze in a little time. About a month ago, I finished my KidRobot Simpsons collection. I spent over $400 on friggin' vinyl figurines!...but it was s...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 06:10:00 GMT

Experimental cooking

Me and Elisa decided to cook a little something today, so we chose Spicy Fettuccine Curry w/ Prawns & Mushrooms, and for dessert, Banana Cream pie. We liked every word in that title, so we had to try ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 08:53:00 GMT

Like a kid on Christmas morning!

Ever since I've heard of the Simpsons series from KidRobot, I HAD to have it! So as soon as I could, I ordered a whole case (consisting of 24 boxes). Let's just say wasn't cheap for a case o...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:16:00 GMT

How to Kill the Living Dead

I'm reading this book I borrowed from Elisa entitled "How to Survive a Horror Movie" by Seth Grahame-Smith. I love zombie movies and everything that has to do with zombies. I came across the section w...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 03:17:00 GMT